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Property Loss & Damage Coverage

Process for Property-Liability-Bodily Injury Claims

District Property Loss or Damage

The District provides coverage for schools and/or departments for replacement of lost or damaged equipment and materials due to theft or vandalism. The District is self-insured for loss of equipment and/or materials up to $150,000 resulting from theft, fire, vandalism, etc.

Reimbursement for Stolen District Property

Repair & Reimbursement for Vandalized District Property


Request for District Property Replacement Form


Personal Property Loss or Damage

The district has established a procedure that provides employees withreasonable compensation when personal property is stolen or damaged.

What Is and Is Not Covered

How Value is Determined and Deductibles that Apply

How to Get Reimbursed for Damaged or Stolen Property


Personal Property Approval Form
Request for Personal Property Replacement Form

Insurance and Liability questions, email the Risk team at risk@4j.lane.edu or call 790-7673.