Home » Risk Management and School Safety » Risk Management » Insurance Issues: Auto, Property, and Liability » District Provided Liability Coverage

District Provided Liability Coverage

The District carries several liability policies to cover its broad range of exposure to potential claims. These policies provide coverage for claims brought by the parents of students, the public, or other third parties against the District itself, or against District administrators or staff. General and specialized liability policies include coverage for:

  • Classroom Instruction
  • Fundraising events
  • Special events (e.g.,parades)
  • School-sponsored daycare programs
  • Foreign travel
  • Medical malpractice
  • Alleged violations of civil rights
  • Autos (see Auto Coverage Information for details)

Defining and Determining Liability-What is liability and how to determine liability

4J Staff Member’s Role in Liability-What staff should know about District liability
Insurance and Liability questions, email us at risk@4j.lane.edu or call (541) 790-7673.