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FAQ Category Archives: Technology

Parts of Zimbra Interface Missing

Question: I logged into Zimbra and found parts of the interface are missing. For example my mailboxes aren’t showing up in the left sidebar. Answer: This can be caused by problems with your browser cache. Clearing your cache/history should correct the problem.

Zimbra Message Reading Pane Moved

Question: The selected message in Zimbra used to show up directly beneath the list of messages. Now it’s on the right instead. How can I change it back? Answer: Click the View button in the toolbar, then select Reading Pane At The Bottom.

Missing Checkboxes to Select Multiple Messages

Question: There used to be checkboxes to the left of each message in my mailboxes so I could easily select multiple to move, delete, etc. Answer: An update to Zimbra caused these to disappear, but they can be re-enabled. Click the … Continue reading

Out-Of-Office Messages

Question: I’m going to be out of the office for a while. How can I turn on an automatic away message? Answer: In Zimbra, click on Preferences. Click on Mail. Put a check in “Send auto-reply message:” Enter your message … Continue reading

Zimbra Mail Folders

Question: I created a mail folder which I inadvertantly made as a subfolder to my Inbox; I don’t want it there; how can I move it out to be a primary folder of its own? I’ve tried dragndrop, and deleting … Continue reading

Supported Email Clients

Question: Which email clients are supported by the District? Answer: The only client that we will support will be the Zimbra web-based client. Full functionality of Zimbra is only achieved by using the Zimbra web-based client. However, Zimbra can be configured … Continue reading

Clicking Email Links

Question: When I am on a webpage and click on an email address, Zimbra is not the email system that shows up. What is happening here? Answer: A webpage email link activates the default email system located on the computer … Continue reading

Zimbra Messages Not Showing

Question: I am only seeing some of my messages. Where are the rest of them? Answer: There are two modes for viewing messages – Click View button (top right) to see By Conversation or By Message. A blue dot will … Continue reading

Emptying Zimbra Trash

Question: From reading the descriptions of zimbra on the net, it seems that the messages I delete will eventually disappear so I don’t have to go through the steps that I did in eudora and sunjava, where  deleted messages had … Continue reading

Printing in Zimbra

Question: Printed emails are seriously tiny.  Is there a way to make the fonts bigger? Answer: Be sure you are using the Zimbra printer icon and NOT the print function in your browser. When you click the Zimbra “print” button … Continue reading

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