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FAQ Category Archives: Student Learning and Growth Objective (SLGO) & SMART Goals

18. If a teacher has more than one section of the same class, must they include data from ALL sections?

A: Yes. Example: If a teacher teaches 3 sections of Biology and 2 sections of Environmental Science and he/she selects biology for their student goal area of growth, he/she would use data for all three sections. If there are some … Continue reading

17. Do middle school, 8th grade, science teachers need to include an OAKS component in their SMART Goals? If yes, can the OAKS data be disaggregated into the subject areas taught?

A: Yes, as science is tested in the 8th grade, teachers teaching 8th grade science would need to use OAKS as one of their multiple measures. A teacher may set goals using disaggregated data with a focus on the area … Continue reading

16. In future years, how will the student learning growth goal play into teacher effectiveness specifically? Is achievement of the two goals valued at 10% of the overall evaluation? How and where is that factored in?

A: The overall performance rating is based on claim, evidence and impact and the SLGO constitute 10% of the overall effectiveness. ODE may issue different guidelines in the future and changes will be shared with staff promptly.

15. Since this is a hold harmless year, will teachers be evaluated in the area of student learning growth goals at all? Will that aspect of their scoring guide show up in their record?

A: Yes SLGO are part of the Effectiveness and Growth Systems and are required as part of the final summative evaluation.  However, principals and administrators will be working with teachers/specialists to ensure that established goals are progressing according to the … Continue reading

14. Is a teacher who only has 11th grade students in English in Trimester 1 expected to establish similar expectations for growth on OAKS as another teacher who has students in English for both Trimester 1 and Trimester 2?

A: Specific student growth (i.e raw percentage) should be based on baseline data, not on the number of trimesters.  Teachers who teach one trimester versus two should shape their goals based on their students and their needs.

13. Will OAKS and other data (EXPLORE, PLAN, other) be available in Synergy and will teachers be able to pull their own data? Or, is there assistance to gather that type of student data?

A: Synergy is the student information system that includes attendance, IEPs, etc.  It does not include assessment data and other points of on-going growth data.  The Data Portal is the central hub for data that you are referencing and needing … Continue reading

12. Given timing of OAKS writing results, is it possible to use OAKS writing in Category 1? If it’s not possible to use OAKS writing data for post-assessment, will English teachers necessarily be limited to OAKS reading data?

A: English teachers would not be limited to OAKS reading data and in fact, a balance of a variety of measures for writing is best practice. Teachers should use OAKS writing data when it is available, which would be after June.

11. How will Student Learning and Growth (SLGO) SMART goals be evaluated?

A: Once the SLGO SMART goals are designed and approved by the principal/administrator, licensed staff will start collecting the information needed to measure student progress as defined in the SLGO SMART goal, including baseline scores and relevant student work. The … Continue reading

10. What types of measures and assessments are required?

A: Teachers who are responsible for student learning in tested subjects and grades (i.e. ELA and Mathematics in grades 3-8 and 11) must use state assessments as one measure and will also select one or more additional measures from Category … Continue reading

9. What is considered baseline and trend data?

A:  Baseline and trend data include multiple, appropriate, and consistent assessments such as screening, diagnostic, District benchmark and state benchmark assessments, progress monitoring, past assessment data, and/or pre-assessment results (e.g., easyCBM) or other performance data sources (e.g., classroom measures, authentic … Continue reading

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