Home » News » 13. Will OAKS and other data (EXPLORE, PLAN, other) be available in Synergy and will teachers be able to pull their own data? Or, is there assistance to gather that type of student data?

13. Will OAKS and other data (EXPLORE, PLAN, other) be available in Synergy and will teachers be able to pull their own data? Or, is there assistance to gather that type of student data?

A: Synergy is the student information system that includes attendance, IEPs, etc.  It does not include assessment data and other points of on-going growth data.  The Data Portal is the central hub for data that you are referencing and needing for SMART goals—http://staff.4j.lane.edu/~loureiro_o/data.html

You may need assistance from your principal/administrator to access, sort and distribute the data from this site.

Posted in: Student Learning and Growth Objective (SLGO) & SMART Goals

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