Home » News » 11. How will Student Learning and Growth (SLGO) SMART goals be evaluated?

11. How will Student Learning and Growth (SLGO) SMART goals be evaluated?

A: Once the SLGO SMART goals are designed and approved by the principal/administrator, licensed staff will start collecting the information needed to measure student progress as defined in the SLGO SMART goal, including baseline scores and relevant student work.

The collection and analysis of data will continue throughout the course or school year to monitor student growth and progress towards the goals. This process should be the focus of discussions mid-year (January), mid-course, or at other times, and adjustments to strategies can be made according to student progress. Licensed staff is responsible for collecting and organizing documents and evidence of student progress as outlined and defined in the Guide to Developing 4J Student Learning and Growth Objectives (SLGO) Plan. At the end of the course or school year, licensed staff will meet with their principal/administrator to review results. SLGO SMART goal results will be evaluated using Eugene School District 4J Licensed Faculty and Principal/Administrator SLGO SMART Goals Scoring Rubric.

Posted in: Student Learning and Growth Objective (SLGO) & SMART Goals

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