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Classified Benefits & Wellness Newsletter April 2017/18 Issue #7

Classified Sick Leave Bank 2018-19Enrollment Coming in May
Packets for the 2018-19 Classified Sick Leave Bank enrollments will be emailed on May 1, 2018.  Only benefits eligible employees (.50 FTE or greater) are eligible to participate.

The Classified Sick Leave Bank is intended to extend, to contributing members, additional sick leave days should a long-term illness or injury exhaust the employee’s own paid leave.  Watch your email May 1st!

Introducing Adrienne Royer
If you visit the 4J Wellness Clinic, you may see a new face.  Adrienne Royer RN, BA, joined the clinic staff in February as the new RN Clinic Coordinator.  Adrienne will help triage calls that come into the clinic, provide care management for diabetic patients, and fill in when needed at either the front desk or with back office duties.

Adrienne studied Nursing at Lane Community College and Sociology at the University of South Florida, and has worked in the healthcare field for 18 years.  She has a passion for preventive healthcare, and enjoys sharing her knowledge about maintaining a healthy lifestyle and early detection with staff and families of 4J.  In her spare time she enjoys spending time with her two daughters and husband, and making natural beauty products.

Please join me in welcoming Adrienne as part of our wonderful Wellness Clinic staff!

Moda Offers More than Just Medical Insurance
Members enrolled in OEBB medical plans have access to a wide variety of health and wellness resources through Moda.  Examples include personalized health coaching, educational articles and videos, interactive quizzes, confidential assessments, online and/or in-person classes, webinars and much more.

Moda Health members can go to www.modahealth.com/oebb and log in to their myModa account, or create a new account, if needed.  To create an account you will need your Subscriber ID that is listed on your Moda Health medical card.
A healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch it from others.  Be a carrier.    ~  Tom Stoppard

PERS Education Session
4J will be hosting a PERS education presentation:  Understanding Your PERS Pension.

  • Tuesday, May 1, 2018
  • 4:30 – 5:45 p.m.
  • Education Center Auditorium

The presentation is suitable for PERS members just beginning their careers, for those within a few months of retirement, and for all members in between.  The session will be presented by Kris Kartub of Valic and snacks will be provided.

Topics will include:

  • Understanding the differences between Tier 1, Tier 2, and OPSRP
  • Pension benefit calculation methods
  • Understanding your IAP account
  • Retirement option choices

Please RSVP by Tuesday, April 24th to Diana McElhinney:  mcelhinney_d@4j.lane.edu . Indicate whether you plan to attend alone, or whether you will be bringing a guest.

Top Two Diets of 2018
Looking for a good diet for weight loss, heart health, preventing or managing diabetes – or just for health eating in general?

Tied for #1 in Best Diets Overall are the DASH Diet and the Mediterranean Diet, which have many similarities, notably their emphases on plant foods, including whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes (beans, lentils), along with some fish, chicken, and other lean animal protein.  Other key elements of the Mediterranean Diet are olive oil and red wine in moderation, while DASH (which stand for “dietary approaches to stop hypertension”) emphasizes dairy foods and has a daily sodium limit of 1, 500 to 2, 300 milligrams to help lower blood pressure.

These two diets reflect the advice we’ve heard for healthy eating for years.  Though DASH was not originally designed for weight loss, it may have this (and other) fortuitous effects, while the Mediterranean Diet has been linked to a range of potential benefits, from reduced risk of heart attacks and strokes to better cognition and possibly even longer life.

Important Information / Assigned Hours and Insurance Costs
It’s important to note that the number of hours worked per day has an impact on your payroll costs for insurance.

Full-time employees working 7 to 8 hours receive the highest contribution towards the cost of benefits, while part-time employees working 4 to 5.99 hours receive the lowest contribution towards the cost of benefits.

District Monthly Insurance Contribution by Time Block:
7 – 8 hours:                              $1,080.00
6 – 6.99 hours:                        $   925.00
4 – 5.99 hours:                        $   697.75

Note:  Employees working less than 4 hours per day are ineligible for benefits

If you receive a reduction in your work hours for next year, you could possibly fall into a lower time block and pay higher monthly benefit premiums*.  It may be important to consider exercising your rights to enter the bumping process.  For more information please review our Collective Bargaining Agreement Article 24 found at: http://www.4j.lane.edu/hr/employeerelations/laboragreements/

*Payroll out-of-pocket costs have not yet been determined for next plan year.  They are based on OEBB premium costs minus your district monthly insurance contribution and insurance reserve subsidy (if available).

Classified JBC & Insurance Reserves
4J Classified employees are represented by the Classified Joint Benefits Committee (JBC).  The function of the JBC is to provide a voice for the employees and to set policy and make decisions regarding all benefits available to us.

Each month the district contribution for each benefits eligible employee is paid into our Classified Insurance Reserves account.  From this account the true cost of insurance for each enrolled member (and dependents) is paid out to OEBB.  Any difference in the total district contribution and the total cost of benefits is what increases our reserves and is used to subsidize employee premium costs.

We continue to explore ways to address the rapidly escalating cost of health care and remain committed to a comprehensive and affordable health insurance program.  For further information please contact one of the following Classified JBC members:

Belinda Wilton:  wilton@4j.lane.edu
Diana McElhinney:  mcelhinney_d@4j.lane.edu
Theresa Garnsey:  garnsey@4j.lane.edu

Earth Day 2018
Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated this year on April 22, on which events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection.  It was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network and celebrated in more than 193 countries each year.

I celebrated that first Earth Day back in 1970.   I and two other 5th grade class officers planted a tree in front of our school to honor the day.   Ever since, Earth Day holds a special place in my heart.  Wishing you all time to explore the outdoors, take a walk, make a nature craft, plant something green, or make a pledge to recycle more.

“The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.”  Lady Bird Johnson

Benefits Contact Numbers

For questions regarding Moda Health benefits or claims, contact:

For questions regarding Vision eligibility, contact: VSP

  • VSP Member Services – 800-877-7195
  • http://www.vsp.com

For questions regarding Willamette Dental Group benefits or claims, contact:

For questions regarding eligibility, contact OEBB:

To access the Employee Assistance Program:

For questions regarding life or long term disability insurance:

For questions regarding a Flexible Spending Plan:

This newsletter is reviewed and edited each month by the District 4J and OSEA representatives of the Classified Joint Benefits Committee (JBC).The information in this newsletter is summarized, and is not intended as advice or counsel.

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