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Classified Benefits & Wellness Newsletter November 2014-15 Issue #2

Classified Professional Education Program (PEP) Fund Information
The purpose of the fund is to provide opportunities in professional development and is intended to help classified employees improve professional knowledge, competence, skills, and effectiveness relevant to their current district position.* The program allows for reimbursement for job-related training activities, tuition reimbursement, registration or material costs, and conferences and workshops.

 NEW this year: the maximum amount has been increased $100 – from $200 to $300.

 Normal program rules allow one request per fiscal (school) year, up to $300 for workshops, classes, books or other expenses related to professional development. Requests are processed on a first-come, first served basis until funds run out. PEP fund requests can be found on the HR website: http://www.4j.lane.edu/hr/forms/

Send completed forms to:
PEP Fund, Human Resources     Having trouble finding a PEP fund form?  Give me call at x7679, or e-mail (mcelhinney_d@4j.lane.edu) and I’ll send one to you via district mail or return e-mail.

 *PEP funds are limited for staff development options that are initiated by employees. District mandated trainings are not eligible for reimbursement. Employees must obtain principal/supervisor permission to attend all PEP fund eligible professional development. Your building is responsible for coverage and if a substitute is needed please use the Building Professional Development/Activity code in AESOP. Second requests may be granted upon mid-year review of available fund balances and under the same guidelines as the first request, up to $200.

4J Wellness Clinic Joins Synergy Network
The 4J Wellness Clinic is now a Synergy Network Moda Medical Home (MMH) provider. If you would like to choose the Clinic as your MMH or change from one you elected during open enrollment you may do so by calling Moda Health customer service at 1-866-923-0409. You can also send an email to medical@modahealth.comImportant Note: the Clinic is listed as a MMH under the name Cascade Health Solutions. In order for Moda to list the Clinic as your MMH, please indicate your choice as Cascade Health Solutions, 200 N. Monroe St. Eugene, OR 97402.

OEBB Dependent Eligibility Verification On-site Review Dates
If you haven’t already mailed or faxed your dependent documentation you can bring your documents to the on-site review for OEBB staff to view. Documents will be logged but will not be retained. 4J’s review is scheduled for the following times here at the District building:

Ed Center Auditorium
Tues, November 4th    1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Wed, November 5th 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Thurs, November 6th   1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

 The deadline for providing your documentation to OEBB is 11/30/2014. If you have any questions about the DEV, please call OEBB directly at 1-888-469-6322.

 Benny Cards
If you signed up for a Flexible Spending Account for the 2014-15 plan year, you should have received your Benny Cards from PacificSource Administrators (PSA) via US mail. To activate your Benny card, your default PIN is the last 4 digits of your PSA ID number-this is the number that starts ZZMAN. If you cannot locate your PSA ID number, you can call the local PSA customer service number for Benny Card Activation assistance: 541-485-7488

 You can use your Benny Card to pay for eligible unreimbursed health related expenses. Money set aside for health care expenses cannot be used to reimburse dependent care expenses.  Remember to save receipts and verify that you are using your Benny Card according to the rules outlined in the letter that arrived with your cards.           Fast, Easy, Automatic!

EAP ~ Balance Your Life
Call the Employee Assistance Program

The EAP provides services to help employees privately resolve problems that may interfere with work, family, and other important areas of life.  EAP services include counseling, work-life balance, and wellness resources. As an OEBB member, there is no cost to you or your family members for using EAP services.

It’s fast, easy, and confidential to access EAP services. When you call EAP, you just need to provide 4J District as your employer and basic contact information. During a crisis, you can call to speak with a counselor 24 hours a day.

Call the EAP at1-866-750-1327 or go on line
www.MrRBH.com (Access Code: OEBB)

Cold/Flu Season & Hand washing
Routine hand washing is one of the best practices to follow to stop the impact of spreading illness and germs to others. Only 1 out of every 3 adults wash their hands after coughing or sneezing. An estimated 27% of adults wash their hands after handling money. Germs can thrive up to 48 hours on some surfaces causing influenza A/B to spread.  Hand washing is not only simple and inexpensive, but remarkably, hand washing with soap can dramatically cut the number of children and adults who get sick.

How should you wash your hands?

  • Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.
  • Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Be sure to lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
  • Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.
  • Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
  • Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.

Washing hands prevents disease, and puts everyone else at ease!

2014-15 Sick Leave Bank Donation Reminders
Classified employees who elected to join the 2014-15 Classified Sick Leave Bank (SLB) during the May 2014 enrollment period will see the donations reflected as a sick leave deduction in the sick leave section on your November 30 paystub.

Make it a Happy Year for your Teeth
If you have problems with your teeth or gums, you might not even feel like going to a dentist. Moda can help you take action. Calling a Moda Dental Care health coach is free and confidential. Their dental health coaches will listen to your concerns and walk you through your treatment options, so that you can decide what is best for you.

When you call, you will:

  • Work one-on-one with a coach by phone or email
  • Decide when to meet and how many sessions to have with your coach
  • Set your own health goals
  • Create an action plan
  • Find a dentist, if you do not already have one
  • Get support between dental visits
  • Learn how to use tools like our risk assessment and treatment cost calculator
  • Find resources about your specific needs

Call a health coach today at 877-277-7281, or email careprograms@modahealth.com. (TTY users, please call 711.)

Tail-Gate Time Out
Your tailgate spread doesn’t have to sideline your weight loss plan. Grilled kabobs are great fare on the field. Just skewer veggies, fruits, and lean meat, and soak in your favorite marinade. Seafood, salsas, wraps, and stews are good eating, too. A Crock-Pot of chili — loaded with high-fiber, high-protein beans — is a classic tailgate dish.

This newsletter is reviewed and edited each month by the District 4J and OSEA representatives of the Classified Joint Benefits Committee (JBC).The information in this newsletter is summarized, and is not intended as advice or counsel.






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