2nd Grade Performance

2nd Grade Concert

    1. Concert Dates:
      • April 27th. Parent Concert 6:00pm drop off in the cafeteria (Concert starts at 6:30)

      • April 28th. Students Assembly Students MUST be at school by 8:05 - please make sure you are in the car rider line by 7:50 unless they are taking the bus. 

    2. CMES 2nd Grade Art Show: April 27th, 5:45pm ... See your child's artwork displayed in the entrance hall before you drop your child in the cafeteria.
    3. Uniform:  Make sure your child has the correct “uniform” (read carefully): 

      • These students need a solid GREEN shirt (no writing or pictures):

        • Froggie Actors and Froggie Band members

        • Ms. VanTighem/Ms. Wiggins/Ms. Haskins/Ms West students with no extra part 

      • These students  need a solid BLUE shirt (no writing or pictures)

        • Rabbit Actors wear a solid blue shirt  

        • Ms. White/Ms. Phillips/Ms. Rankin/Ms. Wheeles/Ms. Yan/Ms. Cai students with no extra part 

      • All students wear blue jeans/pants with a pocket   < and >   comfortable gym shoes. 

      • FYI: Students will wear their uniform both at the evening concert on  April 27th AND April 28th for the school performance (wear it to school)

      • Shirts can be anything that is the right color (see above) and has no graphics or writing on the front. It can be something your child already has in their closet, something you buy, or something you borrow. It can be long sleeve, short sleeve, button up, T shirt, blouse, any style, as long as it's the correct color, is all one color, and has no writing or graphics on it. Many families choose to find Tshirts on Amazon, but you can go to Michael's, Hobby Lobby, or and craft store with Tshirts, Walmart, Target, Amazon, Kohl's.... it's up to you where you get the shirt from. All that matters to us is that it's the correct color, it's all one solid color, and it has no writing or graphics on it.
    4. Help students practice. The concert material is located in Canvas (Archer) or Clever (Ortiz).

    5. Sign Up to help with the concert and/or concert materials - email sent by teacher and info is below
    6. Acting parts and instrument players follow the schedule below.


    Sign Up Genius (costumes & Props)  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f084faeaa22a3fa7-2ndgrade#/   


    Rehearsal Schedule for students with acting or instrument parts:

    Special Part

    Rehearsal times

    Rehearsal Dates

    Froggie 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

    Rabbit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

    8:00AM - 8:30AM

    Mrs. Archer’s music room (Mobile Unit 2)

    Tuesdays:         March 21

                             March 28

                             April 4

                             April 18 

    Froggie Band

    8:00AM - 8:30AM

    Mrs. Archer’s music room (Mobile Unit 2)

    Wednesdays:     March 22

                              March 29

    Tuesdays:       April 4

                     April 18

    Volcano 1 & 2

    Cowboys 1 & 2

    8:00AM - 8:30AM

    Mrs. Archer’s music room (Mobile Unit 2)

    Thursdays:         March 23

                              March 30

                              April 6

                              April 20 

    Music Class Dress Rehearsals

    1:55AM - 2:45AM

    Mon, April 24 - Thurs, April 27

    Parent Performance


    Thursday, April 27th

    Student Assembly 


    Friday, April 28th