Korinek, Leslie
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Growth Mindset
Did you know that you can grow your intelligence?
My class read and discussed a great article entitled "You Can Grow Your Intelligence." The students found it very interesting that when they learn new things, tiny connections in the brain actually multiply and get stronger. When people work hard and learn new things, they actually cause their brain to be stronger and smarter!
Most people have either a growth mindset attitude or a fixed mindset attitude. Those with a growth mindset understand that with hard work and determination, intelligence can be developed. Those with a fixed mindset attitude believe people are born with a limited intelligence that cannot be changed.
I work dilegently to teach the children to have a growth mindset. I use language in my classroom to create this positive environment.
Here are examples of sentences I use:
"You are not quite there yet, but keep trying/practicing."
"I like the way you persevered thourgh that task."
"If you are not happy with your outcome, try again and think about doing it in a different way the next time."
"I am proud of the way you stuggled through that task."
"I see you put a lot of effort into this."
"Look how determined you are to do well!"
I try not to tell my students they are SMART. I try to focus on their dedication, hard work, and thinking processes.
See the website below for more information about Growth Mindset: