• gap-africa

    What is Gap-Africa.org?

    Gap-Africa was set up and is run by a team with many years experience in Africa and we have been visiting and raising funds for schools in rural Kenya since 1994.

    Volunteering in Kenya has therefore always been a major part of our work and it is this contact that brought about the formation of Gap-Africa. Our Chairman and founder, Marcel Wagner, describes our first contact with the Kikunduku Schools Project (KSP):

     In 1994, our expedition was finding its way into the Chyulu hills via a new route when we caught a glimpse of the sun reflecting off corrugated iron used for roofing and made our way through the Combretum trees to what turned out to be a school in the middle of nowhere. This was the first contact with the primary school of Kikunduku village. Since that day we have supported this and other schools in the area with books, stationery, classroom building and more recently student scholarships, helping ‘take life to another level’ for all of those we have helped and supported through student scholarships‘. We have also completed the building of Kyaani Secondary School and work on the new Kikunduku Secondary School has just begun (see our Blog for latest photos and news on this).

    Even prior to becoming a UK registered Charity, Gap-Africa was already raising funds, delivering books and stationery to schools, fixing desks and helping ‘take life to another level’ for some of the poorest people in Africa.

    With an ever growing list of work to be done and our phase four secondary school support for gifted pupils who would otherwise lose out on further education, it was decided that our support needed to be stepped up. In 2010 Gap – Africa was formed in order to maximising fund raising by taking advantage of Gift Aid. We are now a registered charity (No. 1138627) and today support a total of 7,500 children in education if we include the surrounding community’s schools who have spin off assistance.

    For more information go to GAP-Africa.org 

     How has CMES impacted Gap-Africa.org in the past? 

    As some of you know, CMES has been raising money for our sister schools in Kenya since 2004. Each year the money (100%) has helped the children, many of them orphans, in the Kikunduku ad Nzouni schools in Kenya. Funds have gone towards uniforms, school supplies, and, in the last four years, sponsored two girls through Secondary School. These kids attend school with no technology, no electricity and no running water. Your support of these students has been an important part of their success. 
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