
    Week at a Glance-3/20/2023

    Monday-Fractional Parts of 10 and 100
    Tuesday-Decimals:  Tenths (how to read, write, and model)
    Wednesday-Decimals:  Hundredths (how to read, write, and model)
    Thursday-Decimal Quiz and Decimals Greater than One
    Friday-Servants with a Heart;  Math plans are tentative (most likely review)
    Please make sure your child has his/her CHARGED Chromebook each day for school AND headphones/earbuds.
    Science  (Stout's homeroom)
    Mrs. Stout's homeroom is finishing up the Rocks and Minerals Unit in science this week.  We will finish up our testing of the minerals on Monday, We will take notes on Tuesday, Study guide and review on Wednesday, and test on Thursday.  Students will be working at the Servants with a Heart project on Friday so we probably will not have time for Science.  
    Upcoming Events
    Tuesday, March 21. World Down's Syndrome Day (Wear your crazy socks!)
    Monday, March 27. No School-Teacher Workday
    Thursday, March 30-Comet Corner 4th grade
    Friday, April 7 - 16. No School-Spring Break
    Monday, May 8. No School-Teacher Workday
    Wednesday, May 3- 3-5 Field Day
    Tuesday, May 16. 4th grade Field Trip to Hiddenite.

    Thursday, May 25th- EOG 3rd, 4th, 5th Reading 

    Wednesday, May 31st- EOG 3rd, 4th, 5th Math

    Lunch visitors this week are last names O - S.  No visitors of Friday due to the Servants with a Heart event.
    Please check with your child to make sure that he/she has sharpened pencils, a composition notebook for math, scissors, glue stick, crayons/colored pencils. 
    If your child is absent and feels well enough, please have them check Canvas to see what we are doing in class.  Mrs. Stout and I spend a great deal of personal time loading assignments, videos, and documents onto this platform.  We greatly appreciate those students who use it as a resource to keep them current with assignments.
    Thank you all for all that you do!  We appreciate your help and support!  Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
    PS. A big thank you to those of you who donated tissues and wipes!  We appreciate you!!!
Last Modified on March 18, 2023