Special Schedule & Daily Schedule


    Daily Schedule 

    Morning Meeting 8:15 - 8:30

    ELA/Letterland/Social Studies 8:30 - 10:30 

    Science 10:30 - 11:00

    *Mrs. Rankin's Class will eat from 11:05 - 11:30

    2nd grade's lunch 11:00 - 11:40

    Recess 11:50 - 12:20

    Math 12:20 - 2:00

    Specials 2:00 - 2:50

    Dismissal 2:50





    Specials Schedule

    Day 1  Digital

    Day 2  Open

    Day 3   Art

    Day 4  Music

    Day 5   PE

    Day 6  Music

    Day 7  Guidance

    Day 8  Art 

    Day 9  Music

    Day 10  P.E.


Daily Schedule

  •  Daily Schedule


    Unpack/Morning Work



    Math will be taught in a workshop model. A concept will be taught for about 10-15 minutes, and then the students will be grouped by ability to engage in interactive activities. These activities range from board games to computer games, to worksheets, to individual assessments, to basic card games. The activities will be based on their individual levels and changed frequently.



    10:00 - 10:25



    Science/Social Studies



    10:30 - 11:25




    (See Specials Schedule above)



    11:35 - 12:00




    If you wish to join your child at lunchtime, please sign in at the front office and you may join him/her on the stage! 


    12:15 - 12:45



    We will visit three playgrounds on a rotating schedule throughout the week. Inclement weather will cause us to stay in the classroom. When this occurs, students will be allowed to draw, read, play board games, use technology, etc. 



    12:55 - 2:30



    ELA:  English Language Arts

    Shared Reading:  Students will be engaged in an interactive read aloud that will provoke questioning and deeper meaning of the text. The teacher will model how to think while reading, as well as demonstrate basic reading skills and phonics.


    Word Study: An innovative way to teach spelling techniques to children at an independent rate. Children will have his/her own list that is unique to their learning ability.


    Reading: Reading will be done in a workshop model where students will be taught a skill or technique in a brief lesson and then encouraged to read independently and respond to a question while the teacher conferences with students one-on-one and in small groups.



    2:30 - 2:45


    Writing Workshop







    Prepare for Dismissal/Dismissal

    We encourage all transportation changes be made by 10am. You MUST notify the front office, the teacher and any other third party (day care, carpool, etc.) independent of us. We are not responsible for contacting them during the instructional day.

Last Modified on August 23, 2022