    Teachers from left:  Dustin Day, Courtney Capocci, Kimberly Mazanowski, Katie Thomas, Micheal Posey, Katie Tolle Hayslip, Sydney Dismukes
    Welcome to the Foreign Language webpage!  
     Seventh Grade World Language offerings:
     FRENCH IMMERSION This course creates an authentic French-speaking environment in the classroom and provides real-life contexts and everyday situations in which to communicate in French. Upon successful completion of this course, most students take Advanced French I.
    LATIN I-A Latin I-A is the first half of a traditional first year Latin course. This course is followed with Latin I-B in the 8th grade. Students who complete Latin I-A AND I-B will have completed one year of a Foreign Language credit. The Latin I-B average will count towards students’ high school grade point average (GPA).
    SPANISH I-A Spanish 1-A is the first half of a traditional first year Spanish course. It is designed to deepen the foundation in the four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking, with emphasis on the audio-lingual skills. Basic grammar and vocabulary are taught in the context of cultural and practical knowledge content areas. This course is followed with Spanish I-B in the 8th grade. Students who complete Spanish I-A AND I-B will have completed one year of a Foreign Language credit. The Spanish I-B average will count towards students’ high school grade point average (GPA)
    Eighth Grade World Language offerings: 
     FRENCH I This course is designed to give students the basics for using French appropriately in real-life situations, to build reading and writing skills, and to develop an appreciation of the culture and civilization of the Francophone world. Students taking this course as 8th graders are expected to take higher-level French courses in the future. The semester averages are calculated into the student’s high school GPA. Upon passing French I, the student receives a Carnegie Unit in Foreign Language towards graduation.
    FRENCH I ADVANCED Teacher Recommendation This course is an advanced course designed for students who excelled in Immersion French as a 7th grader. It builds on students understanding of the basics for using French appropriately in real-life situations, broadens reading and writing skills, and further develops an appreciation of the culture and civilization of the Francophone world. The higher level of rigor at which the material is presented allows students the opportunity for a broader and more in-depth course of study. Students taking this course as 8th graders are expected to take higher-level French courses in the future. The semester averages are calculated into the student’s high school GPA. Upon passing Advanced French I, the student receives a Carnegie Unit in Foreign Language towards graduation.
    LATIN I This course is designed to teach grammar and vocabulary with an emphasis on Latin root meanings and English derivatives. Students are also exposed to Roman history, mythology, and culture. The semester averages are calculated into the student’s high school GPA. Upon passing Latin I, the student receives a Carnegie Unit in Foreign Language towards graduation.
    LATIN I-B Prerequisite: Latin I-A This course is the second half of a traditional Latin I course for students who have successfully completed Latin I-A in the 7th grade. It is designed to deepen the understanding of grammar and vocabulary with an emphasis on Latin root meanings and English derivatives. Upon successful completion, students can progress to Latin II. The semester averages are calculated into the student’s high school GPA. Upon passing Latin I-B, the student receives a Carnegie Unit in Foreign Language towards graduation.
    SPANISH I This course is designed to give a basic foundation in the four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking, with emphasis on the audio-lingual skills. Basic grammar and vocabulary are taught in the context of cultural and practical knowledge content areas. Upon successful completion, students can progress to Spanish II or Advanced Spanish II. The semester averages are calculated into the student’s high school GPA. Upon passing Spanish I, the student receives a Carnegie Unit in Foreign Language towards graduation.
    SPANISH I-B Prerequisite: Spanish I-A This course is the second half of a traditional Spanish I course for students who have successfully completed Spanish I-A in the 7th grade. It is designed to deepen the foundation in the four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking, with emphasis on the audio-lingual skills. Basic grammar and vocabulary are taught in the context of cultural and practical knowledge content areas. Upon successful completion, students can progress to Spanish II or Advanced Spanish II. The semester averages are calculated into the student’s high school GPA. Upon passing Spanish I-B, the student receives a Carnegie Unit in Foreign Language towards graduation
    Ninth Grade World Language Offerings:
    FRENCH I (Year-Each Course) Grade 8-9 French I, II and III begin the development of a foundation in four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). The goal of this sequence of courses is to enable students to use French appropriately in real-life situations, to build reading and writing skills, and to teach and develop an appreciation of the culture and civilization of the Francophone world. The three courses are based on the use of a program that progressively builds the language skills and regularly reviews material previously learned in order to help the student achieve a high level of proficiency. These courses are supplemented with audiovisual materials and enriched with videos and reading appropriate for each level.
    FRENCH II (Year-Each Course) Prerequisite: French I Grade 9-12 French I, II and III begin the development of a foundation in four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). The goal of this sequence of courses is to enable students to use French appropriately in real-life situations, to build reading and writing skills, and to teach and develop an appreciation of the culture and civilization of the Francophone world. The three courses are based on the use of a program that progressively builds the language skills and regularly reviews material previously learned in order to help the student achieve a high level of proficiency. These courses are supplemented with audiovisual materials and enriched with videos and reading appropriate for each level.
    FRENCH II– ADVANCED (Year- Each Course) Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: French I and Teacher Recommendation This is a Pre-AP course in which students will learn at an accelerated rate and will therefore cover more material. In addition to oral proficiency, reading, writing, and the study of correct grammar and idiomatic usage will be stressed. 
    SPANISH I (Year) Grade 8-12 Spanish I provides a basic foundation in the four language skills--reading, writing, listening, and speaking--with special emphasis on the audio-lingual skills. Basic grammar and vocabulary are taught in the context of cultural and practical knowledge content areas. Students also apply geography skills pertaining to Spain and the Americas. Finally, authentic audio, video and print texts are integrated into the curriculum, thereby enriching listening and speaking ability.
    SPANISH II (Year) Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: Spanish I Spanish II continues the development of audio-lingual skills with increased emphasis on grammar study. Reading for comprehension and writing skills in the context of cultural studies are also included.
    SPANISH II – ADVANCED (Year) Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: Spanish I and Teacher Recommendation Advanced Spanish II is designed for selected students who are expected to comprehend the grammar at a faster rate, to demonstrate a more advanced level of oral competency, and to be able to retain the material learned in the first level of the language. In addition to covering the same content and materials as the Spanish II class, the advanced class goes more in depth and includes additional grammatical structures.
    LATIN I (Year) Grade 8-12 Latin I is a course designed to teach grammar and vocabulary with an emphasis on Latin root meanings and English derivatives. Latin stories are read for an understanding of Roman history, mythology, and culture.
    LATIN II (Year) Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: Latin I Latin II continues the study of Latin grammar and vocabulary and introduces the subjunctive mood and more in depth study of noun case usage. Roman history and culture are covered in greater detail, with an emphasis on Roman heroes. Students read Caesar’s Gallic Wars in the second semester.
    LATIN II – ADVANCED (Year) Grade 9-12 Prerequisite: Latin I and Teacher Recommendation Advanced Latin II consists of an extensive review of Latin I and is designed for students who are able to retain most of the material covered in first year. Greater emphasis is placed upon the subjunctive mood and other points of grammar. Students are expected to acquire stronger skills in reading and comprehending Latin mythology, history, and literature. Caesar's campaign in Gaul is read in the spring.