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TAG Parent Resources

Parent Rights:

* Parents are to be informed of the programs and services available to their TAG-identified child.

  • All schools are required to have a written Building TAG Plan.  This plan describes the methods that are in place at the school to meet the needs of TAG and other Highly Capable students.  Within the plan, schools outline their efforts to make sure that all teachers know who is TAG-identified in their classroom.  The plan also outlines specific school-based actions for providing services to TAG students, professional development to staff, and communication to parents.  Copies of this plan are available upon request.
  • Every school year, schools will give notification to parents and students regarding TAG services.  Some schools send home a copy of the Building TAG Plan.

* Parents have an opportunity for input to and discussion of the programs and services their child will receive.

  • Parent-Teacher conferences are the best time to discuss TAG Services.  Most elementary schools will send home Parent Surveys and copies of the TAG Instructional plan for preview prior to conferences.  Regardless of student grade or level, parents and students can request a TAG Instructional plan when needed.

* The parents of an identified TAG student may, at any time, request withdrawal of their child from programs and services.  The school district shall notify parents of identified students of this right.

* Parent permission shall be obtained for any individual testing.

* Parents shall be informed of their right to appeal decisions regarding identification and service, and file a complaint under OAR 581-022-1940.

  • Communication with the classroom teacher, the school’s TAG Coordinator, the Principal, and the TAG Office are important steps in meeting the needs of gifted students.  Parents should contact the school principal or TAG Coordinator for a copy of the Appeal and Complaint form.


For additional educational sites for students click here.

  • Oregon Association for Talented and Gifted – OATAG is a full-service organization, providing training for educators, support for families, advocacy in the legislature, and information for the state.
  • National Association for Gifted Children – NAGC invests all of its resources to train teachers, encourage parents and educate administrators and policymakers on how to develop and support gifted children and what’s at stake if high-potential learners are not challenged and encouraged.
  • John’s Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
  • Oak Hill Super Summer – Super Summer (Formerly run by the U of O) is a series of enrichment classes for highly able, eager learners in grades K-7. Parent and educator recommendations are necessary for those students who have not previously participated in either Super Summer Programs.
  • Oak Hill UO Summer Enrichment Program – The Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) is a campus-based residential program offering a wide range of exciting academic course options and social activities for gifted students currently in grades 6-11.
  • Gro-Gifted – A brain science based website that promotes a “comprehensive and accurate understanding of giftedness through research and outreach”. This group shares current studies/findings on neuroanatomical and physiological aspects of giftedness, as well as best practices pertaining to gifted ed.
  • Hoagies Gifted Education – The award winning “All Things Gifted” resource for parents, teachers, administrators, mental health professionals, and gifted kids and adults.
  • SENG-Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted
  • Gifted Development Center – The Institute for the Study of Advanced Development (ISAD) is a nonprofit research corporation—501©3—with an international advisory board, directed toward the study of giftedness, advanced development, and undeveloped potential in women.
  • Visual Spatial Resource
  • Oregon Department of Education
  • Genius Denied – Our mission is to recognize, nurture and support profoundly intelligent young people and to provide opportunities for them to develop their talents to make a positive difference.
  • Free Spirit Publishing – Free Spirit has had the same mission for over 27 years: to provide children and teens—and the adults who care for and about them—with the tools they need to succeed in life and to make a positive difference in the world.
  • Great Potential Press – Great Potential Press is an award-winning publishing company devoted to books and videos for parents and teachers of gifted children.

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