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Grants & Opportunities

The 4J grants office supports initiatives and projects that advance district goals and increase educational opportunities for students. The office works with district- and region-wide grants, researches and shares grant opportunities that might be of interest to schools, and advises schools on preparing grant proposals.

Important note to prospective grant writers: All grants of $5,000 or more must be approved by a district administrator, the district grants accountant, and the superintendent prior to your submission of the grant application. The school board must also give approval, although this may occur shortly after you submit the grant. For any grant over $5,000, please submit a Grant Approval Form to the district grants office at least 2 weeks prior to the grant application deadline. The grants office will obtain the necessary approvals.

Questions about grants may be directed to:
Oscar Loureiro, loureiro_o@4j.lane.edu or 541-790-7554.