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Online or On-Site? Request Changes Now for Grades K–5

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Deadline January 10: Families of elementary school students may request change for second semester

Request Form

Families of 4J elementary school students have until Monday, January 10, to request a change between in-person and online school programs for the second semester.

There are three learning pathways available to 4J elementary school students this school year: attending their regular school in-person full-time, K–5 Connect for synchronous online learning, or Eugene Online Academy for asynchronous online learning. The second semester begins Monday, January 31.

To request to change your elementary student’s learning pathway for the second semester, please complete and submit the request form by the deadline. Submit a separate form for each student.

ONLY complete the form if you want to request a change. Families who want to continue with their student’s current enrollment do not need to respond.

(Middle and high school students: An opportunity will be provided later to request a change for Trimester 3, which begins on March 28.)

Change Request Form

Learning Options

In-Person School

Eugene School District 4J returned to in-person learning with regular school schedules in fall 2021. Families who enrolled their students in online learning with 4J K–5 Connect or Eugene Online Academy this fall may request to return to their regular school at the semester change. (School schedules

Eugene Online Academy

Independent, asynchronous learning on a flexible schedule. Students have regular check-ins and opportunities to meet with staff and other students in their class or age group. Students in grades K–5 use the Florida Virtual School curriculum, facilitated by 4J teachers. (Learn more)

4J K–5 Connect

Classroom learning on a set schedule, offering a combination of real-time teaching and independent learning opportunities. Classes are taught by 4J teachers using the district’s curriculum. Online learning is not linked to individual schools or special programs such as language immersion. The school day is 8:30 a.m.–3 p.m. M–Th, 8:30 a.m.–1:45 p.m. on Fridays. (Learn more)

Health & Safety On-Site

The district is deeply committed to the health and safety of students and staff and has implemented comprehensive protocols to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in school buildings. Nearly all district staff and many students have been vaccinated against COVID-19. The district also conducts robust contact tracing when a person who has been at school on-site is identified as having COVID-19, to identify which students and staff may have been in close contact with the positive case.

4J schools’ high standard of safety protocols, high vaccination rate, and detailed contact tracing both reduce the likelihood of transmission between people at school, and reduce the number of students who must quarantine away from school due to exposure to COVID-19. Our priorities are the health and safety of our students and staff, and keeping students learning in school as much as possible. 

Outdoor School for 5th Grade Students 

Outdoor School is an outdoor learning experience provided during a week of school each spring for students in 5th grade. Outdoor School integrates STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math), history and social science lessons, while providing access to natural science learning for all students. The program reinforces and builds on classroom lessons, allowing students to apply knowledge gained in the classroom to the real world. Outdoor School programs are currently fully funded and families are not responsible for costs. 

Students enrolled in online learning through K–5 Connect or Eugene Online Academy for the spring semester will receive an online Outdoor School experience through Whole Earth Nature School’s Coyote Outdoor School, similar to the online Outdoor School experience offered last year.

Students enrolled in on-site learning with their regular school will have an in-person Outdoor School experience. The district is currently planning for multi-day trips that include group building, outdoor explorations and hands-on learning. (All plans are subject to change based on pandemic conditions.)

Learn More

Change Request Form

Health & Safety Measures
Contact Tracing & Quarantine
COVID-19 Case Dashboard
Regular School Schedules 

¿En persona o en línea? Solicite el cambio para estudiantes de primaria hasta el 10 de enero  

Las familias pueden solicitar cambiar entre aprendizaje en persona y programas de escuela en línea para el segundo semestre

Solicitud para cambio de aprendizaje

Hay tres formatos de aprendizaje disponibles para los estudiantes de primaria en 4J este año escolar: asistir a su escuela regular en persona tiempo completo, asistir a clases sincrónicas en línea en el programa Conexión K–5, o tomar clases en línea en la Academia en Línea de Eugene (EOA) con un horario flexible asincrónico.

Las familias pueden solicitar cambiar entre estos programas al final del término académico. 

Solicitudes para cambio

Para solicitar el cambio de formato de aprendizaje para el segundo término del año escolar, complete y envíe su solicitud en línea antes de la fecha límite. Envíe una solicitud separada para cada uno de sus estudiantes.

Para los estudiantes de primaria, la fecha límite es el 10 de enero para solicitar el cambio para el Semestre 2, que empieza el 31 de enero.

Para los estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria habrá una oportunidad en el futuro para solicitar el cambio para el Trimestre 3, que empieza el 28 de marzo después de las vacaciones de primavera.

SÓLO complete el formulario si va a solicitar un cambio. Las familias que quieren continuar con el actual programa de aprendizaje de su estudiante no necesitan responder.

Solicitud para cambio de aprendizaje

Opciones de aprendizaje

Escuelas en persona 

El Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J reinició el aprendizaje en persona con horarios escolares regulares en el otoño de 2021. Las familias que registraron a sus estudiantes en línea con Conexión K–5 o con la Academia en Línea de Eugene este otoño pueden solicitar regresar a su escuela regular al final del término académico si lo desean.

Conexión K–5 

Ofrece un aprendizaje en un salón virtual con un horario fijo, combinando enseñanza en tiempo real con oportunidades de aprendizaje independiente. Las clases son enseñadas por maestros del 4J usando el currículo del distrito. El aprendizaje en línea no está vinculado a las escuelas individuales ni a programas especiales como el de inmersión de lenguaje. El horario escolar es de  8:30 a.m. a 3 p.m. diariamente, con salida temprana a la 1:45 p.m. los viernes. (Infórmese más)  

Academia en Línea de Eugene 

Ofrece un aprendizaje independiente y asincrónico con un horario flexible. Los estudiantes reciben monitoreos regulares y oportunidades para reunirse en línea con alguien del personal escolar y otros estudiantes de su edad o de su curso. Los grados K a 5 usan el currículo de la Escuela Virtual de Florida, facilitado por maestros del 4J. Los grados 6 al 12 usan el currículo de Fuel Education facilitado por maestros del 4J y otros maestros certificados de Oregón.  (Infórmese más)  

Infórmese más

Solicitud para cambio de aprendizaje
Horarios escolares regulares
Calendarios escolares

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