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2021 ACE Awards: Nominate A Champion in Education

Nominations for school district employees accepted through April 15

Who is your champion in education? Eugene School District 4J has exceptional people who make a difference for students every day, both in-person and from a distance. Nominating a valued educator for the ACE Awards is a wonderful way to honor the incredible talent and dedication of our amazing teachers, classified staff and administrators, especially after this year of unprecedented challenges due to the pandemic.

One nominee in each category will be named the ACE Award champion and receive a $250 grant for a school or program of their choosing from the Eugene Education Foundation. One nominee also may be recognized with a special lifetime achievement award. Every nominee will be recognized as an exceptional educator at the virtual awards ceremony on Thursday, June 3. We appreciate our excellent educators, even from a distance!

Nominations are accepted in three categories: teachers & licensed specialists, classified staff and administrators & supervisors. (There will be no volunteer category this year due to the temporary closure of school buildings.) Submit your nominations for the annual ACE Awards by Thursday, April 15.

Submit a Nomination (bit.ly/2021-ace) by April 15.
Nomination Criteria

Mark your calendar: ACE Awards Virtual Ceremony
Thursday, June 3, 6–7 p.m.

Everyone is welcome! All nominees will be celebrated and champions will be announced during a virtual ceremony that will be livestreamed on 4J’s Facebook page. (Watch the 2020 virtual ceremony.)

Past nominees and champions: 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016

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