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What’s Your Priority? Survey on Investments for Student Success

District developing plan for $12 million in funding • Online survey open through winter break

Share Your Voice: Investments for Student Success
Online survey open until January 7

New funding is coming to Oregon schools, and Eugene School District 4J wants to hear from you about how to best support student success.

Oregon’s recently enacted Student Success Act is expected to provide 4J with a funding increase of about $12 million per year—about 5% of the current general fund budget—through the law’s Student Investment Account, starting next school year.

Each school district must develop a plan for how to invest these funds to increase academic achievement, close gaps between groups of students, and meet students’ mental and behavioral health needs. 4J is engaging staff, families and community members’ input to inform the planning for how to spend these funds to achieve the Student Success Act goals.

4J Needs Assessment (Phase 1): In September, the district gathered input from families, staff and other community members to assess current needs for student success through listening sessions and an online survey.

Investments for Student Success (Phase 2): In November, the district held a series of community and staff forums to share feedback from the needs assessment, and to seek input on potential investments in response to the priorities and needs identified by our staff and community. Now, a survey on potential investments, incorporating input from the community forums, is posted online to seek additional community feedback.

Please take 20 minutes between now and January 7 to complete the online survey. Your input will help guide the district’s investment plan to best support our students’ success.

The plan will be developed this winter, approved by the school board this spring, and submitted to the Oregon Department of Education by April 15.

Share Your Voice: Survey on Investments for Student Success
Learn More: Student Success Act
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