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School Board Meeting Summary: Sept. 18, 2019

September 18, 2019
School Board Work Session and Regular Meeting

On Wednesday, September 18, 2019, the school board held a work session on teacher workforce diversity followed by a regular board meeting. All board members were present.

Work Session: Teacher Workforce Diversity

The board received a report and discussed efforts, plans and strategies to hire and retain staff reflecting the diversity of 4J’s student population.

The report noted the highlight that 4J’s administrator team is exceptional among Oregon school districts for its diversity compared with student enrollment: 30% of all 4J administrators and 39% of school principals are administrators of color, while the district’s  student enrollment comprises 31% students of color.

4J’s teacher workforce also has made gains in diversity and is one of the most racially diverse (14% teachers of color) and proportional (45% as diverse as the student body) teacher workforces in Oregon. Among Oregon school districts of size, with more than 10,000 students, 4J’s teacher workforce is second only to Portland in both measures.

Still, like all Oregon school districts, 4J still has significant growth needed to reflect the diversity of the student body. District staff and board members discussed various strategies and tactics for recruitment, hiring and retention to increase the diversity of the district’s workforce over the next five years.

Teacher workforce diversity overview presentation slides
Work session recording
Additional information and materials

Board Meeting

The school board’s regular business meeting followed the work session on teacher workforce diversity.

Information Items (no board action is normally expected to be taken)

Discussed climate change student strike (item not on original agenda, added at board meeting) — There is an international movement for a Global Climate Strike to advocate for urgent action to mitigate climate change, calling for school walkout demonstrations on Friday, September 20, and other activities spanning the week from September 20–27. Some 4J students may choose to participate in school walkouts. (info about 4J’s absence policy and established practice regarding walkout demonstrations)  

Received an update on summer school programs — 4J offers several summer school programs by invitation, including Kids in Transition to Schools (KITS), Title I Summer School, Migrant Education Summer Program, Extended School Year, Summer Bridge Program, and Credit Recovery Summer School. (info)

Received an update on Student Success Act community engagement — 4J is expected to access about $12 million per year (about 5% of the district’s current general fund budget) beginning in 2020–21 to support educational investments to increase academic achievement, reduce academic disparities for historically underserved groups of students, and meet students’ behavioral or mental health needs. The investment plan the district develops for these funds to support student success will be informed by student data and by staff, student, parent and community input; the plan will be approved by the school board before it is submitted to the state in spring 2020. The district has undertaken a more extensive community engagement plan than required, with targeted outreach to historically underserved student and community groups, community forums, online surveys, and multiple phases of engagement. (info

Received information and discussed menstrual product availability in schools — All 4J schools but two currently have menstrual products readily available and free of charge for students in the school office, health room and/or restrooms; the two schools without current product availability will receive products to make available to students next week. Ways and costs to make menstrual products more readily and comfortably accessible were discussed. (info)

Discussed board working agreements (draft)

Items for Future Action (board action is expected at a later meeting)

Discussed appointment process and timeline for 2019–20 4J Budget Committee — Applications for appointment to two open positions will be due Wednesday, October 9; interviews will be held on Wednesday, October 16; and the board will select and appoint candidates on Wednesday, November 6. (info

Board Actions

Agreed to sign a letter in support of student voice in climate change strike (action not on agenda) 
Approved Oregon School Board Association (OSBA) membership for 2019–20 (info)
Approved nomination of Judy Newman for OSBA Legislative Policy Committee (info)
Approved the superintendent evaluation process for 2019–20 (info)
Approved the school board’s goals for 2019–20 (info
Approved items on the consent agenda: August 5 meeting minutes, personnel actions, memorandum of agreement with EEA concerning substitute teachers

Public Input

20 people provided public comment to the board, including comments regarding:
• Student demonstrations regarding climate change
• Increasing ease of access to free menstrual products in schools
• Student Success Act funding for more teachers, counselors, and staff of color
• State tests and progress monitoring
• Appointment of board member to fill vacancy
• Designation of public safety office as law enforcement agency
• Library support at elementary and middle schools
• Support for students who are academically talented and gifted

Agenda and Materials

Sept. 18 board meeting agenda and materials
Board meeting recording


NOTE:  This is a quick summary of the topics and actions at a meeting of the school board. It is NOT the official minutes of the meeting. Official minutes are posted after they are drafted by the minutes recorder, reviewed and approved by the board at a following meeting. Recordings of meetings are posted within two days after the meeting. 

School Board Meeting Schedule & Information  

Summaries of Other School Board Meetings

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