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Members Sought for Budget Committee

District residents are invited to apply

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Eugene School District 4J is inviting applications for its volunteer budget committee. There are two openings for three-year terms that run through June 30, 2022.

Residents interested in serving on the committee should apply by Wednesday, October 9, at 5 p.m.

About the committee

The budget committee has 14 members: the seven school board members and an equal number of citizen volunteers appointed by the board. The budget committee reviews annual budget proposals to ensure that the district is planning to spend money in furtherance of district goals. The committee examines the proposed budget, listens to comments from community members, and then approves the budget total and tax rates to be forwarded to the school board for adoption.


Applicants must be registered voters and must live within the boundaries of Eugene School District 4J. Positions are non-partisan, unpaid, and are not connected to any specific region within the district. Applicants do not need to be parents. 4J employees are not eligible for appointment. Members with expired terms may reapply.

Term of service

The budget committee typically meets once in January and twice in May. Meetings are normally scheduled on Monday evenings. New appointees are also expected to participate in an orientation session. The appointed members will serve through June 30, 2022. If appointees wish to serve longer, they may apply for reappointment after their term expires.

How to apply

Apply online by Wednesday, October 9. Submitted applications will be public information (with contact information removed).

Appointment process

Candidates will be scheduled for interviews with the school board in a work session on Wednesday, October 16. The board will vote to appoint two budget committee members at the following regular meeting, on Wednesday, November 6. Both meetings will be held at the 4J Education Center, 200 N. Monroe St. in Eugene, and will be broadcast via live stream and KRVM 1280-AM.


Learn more about the budget committee 

Apply online 

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