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Special Education Parent Symposium Wednesday, Feb. 5

Learn about the transition to next school year

Parents and guardians of students receiving special education services are invited to a bimonthly series of events to learn more about 4J services, share your thoughts, and meet, network and collaborate with other families, 4J staff and community members. This event will focus on preparing for your student’s spring transition IEP meeting.

Special Education Parent Symposium 
Tuesday, Feb. 5, 6–7 p.m.
4J Education Center
200 N. Monroe St., Eugene
RSVP or invite your friends 

• Welcome and introductions
• Presentation: Transition (Meladie Sorensen, Sheldon High School’s Transition Education Network)
• Overview of service levels and how placement works between levels
• Breakout session: Preparing for your child’s spring transition IEP meeting.

We’ll cover these commonly asked questions and more: How much does your student know about their disability? How will my child participate in electives and extracurriculars? What do schedules look like at the next level and how does the schedule affect services?

For more information or to request language interpretation services, please email Kathy Anthony at anthony_k@4j.lane.edu.

Mark your calendars! Future symposiums will be held on:
• Tuesday, April 2, 6–7 p.m. (RSVP or invite your friends)
• Tuesday, June 4, 6–7 p.m. (RSVP or invite your friends)

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