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Classified Benefits & Wellness Newsletter January 2018 Issue #5

2nd Annual 4J Employee Wellness Fair

Enjoy learning about our benefits in an informal drop-in style.  More than 20 vendors will be here to answer your questions, hand out swag, and get you energized. The Wellness Fair is open to ALL 4J employees and their families!

  • Lots of door prizes and vendor prizes
  • Raffles for Annual Lane County Parks and Pacific Coast Passport
  • Coupons and discounts for local fitness facilities
  • Food prep demos from Natural Grocers nutritional health coach Yaakov Levin, NTP

Thursday, January 25th 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Ed Center Auditorium

200 N. Monroe St., Eugene, OR 97402

Reminder about 4J Wellness Clinic Appointments: No-Show Means You Owe

4J Wellness Clinic Patient Appointment Policies

Arriving late for your appointment:   If a patient arrives more than ten minutes late for a scheduled appointment, he or she may be required to reschedule the appointment.  If a patient arrives more than twenty minutes late for a scheduled appointment, the appointment will be considered missed without proper notice, and subject to the cancellation policy.

Cancelling your appointment:  The Wellness Clinic recommends a 24-hour notice of cancellation.  A $20 fee will be assessed for failure to cancel within 3 hours of a scheduled appointment at the Wellness Clinic.

The $20 fee must be paid before the patient will be allowed to schedule another advance appointment.  In the event that three appointments are missed, the patient will be suspended from scheduling any advance appointments.  The advance appointment scheduling suspension may be lifted after 6 months if the patient has no additional missed appointments.

We appreciate your cooperation in calling the Clinic as early as possible when you can’t make an appointment. This will ensure the best access to Clinic services for all of us.
Regular clinic hours are Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.  The clinic is closed for lunch from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.  The phone number for the clinic is 541-686-1427.

Happy New Year

The holidays are behind us now and the New Year is a time of hope and promise within our own lives, our families, our communities, our workplace and the broader world around us.  As part of this potential, 2018 also represents a time of renewed commitment to our goals for improved health and wellness.

Due to our hectic schedules we hardly get time to meet people and wish them Happy New Year in person.  Thanks to my newsletter, I am able to wish all of you a “Happy New Year” and the courage to follow your heart and intuition.

Classified Joint Benefits Committee

I would like to acknowledge and celebrate the members of the 2017-2018 Classified Joint Benefits Committee.  I am honored to serve with Belinda Wilton, Theresa Garnsey, and Ray Martin.
These folks attend monthly meetings and work hard to ensure that all benefits eligible classified employees receive the highest possible benefits while maintaining lower health insurance premiums.  Thank you all for your time and commitment!

Healthy Sleep Workshop

The 4J Joint Benefits Committee, in partnership with Cascade Health, is offering a free Healthy Sleep wellness class.  The class will take place:

  • Tuesday, February 20, 2018
  • 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
  • Ed Center Auditorium

In this workshop you will:

  • Learn the science behind healthy sleep and why it is so important
  • Discover the important elements of a good night’s sleep and create your own “sleep plan”
  • Practice sleep enhancing techniques to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer

Please RSVP by Thursday, February 15th to Diana McElhinney:  mcelhinney_d@4j.lane.edu or 541-790-7679.

Shop Your Doctors and Treatments

Because healthcare costs have risen, most of us are paying higher premiums, deductibles, and co-pays.  It is possible to trim what we contribute out of pocket by comparison shopping our healthcare – i.e., finding out in advance what different doctors charge for, say, an MRI or knee replacement surgery.  We consumers may not know that doctors’ fee information is easy to find using the “cost-estimator” tools on most health insurance websites.  Moda Health has such a tool to estimate your costs for many medical procedures based on your plan and location.

You can find the “Treatment Cost Estimator” under Moda’s personalized member website – myModa.  The information found there enables you to partner more effectively with your provider to make the best health care decisions for you and your family.  You can compare costs for one or more providers and also obtain information about a specific condition or treatment.  The Treatment Cost Estimator makes navigating health care costs easier and may just save you some money.

Weight Watchers

Attention benefits eligible employees:  OEBB offers a weight management benefit to help you achieve your weight-loss goals and improve your overall health.  OEBB’s Medical Plans cover Weight Watchers Meetings and Online at NO COST to you.  There’s no better time to get on the path to a healthy lifestyle!

  • Weight Watchers Local Meeting vouchers:  call 800-651-6000 to request your initial meeting vouchers.
  • Weight Watchers at Work meetings:  If you have at least 15 people interested in an At Work meeting call 800-8-ATWORK and talk to a local At Work manager about setting up a meeting.
  • Online Plus subscription:  With an online subscription you can follow the Weight Watchers plan step-by-step online.  To sign up call 866-531-8170.

 Mark Your Calendar – Retiring Done Well

Mark your calendar for Tuesday, March 13th – 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. for a free Retiring Done Well class to explore who you are now and where you are heading. It’s not just about the money!  Watch your email and my March newsletter for more details.

Importance of District Email

Do you check your work email every day?   The District uses email as its main exchange tool to deliver essential communications and information portals to employees about district news, activities, training requirements, etc.

If you do not regularly read your work emails you may be missing out on news and updates relevant to your position and/or tasks that require action from you.

Forgotten your username/password? For password resets/changes call 541-790-7777.  For verification purposes, please be ready to provide your employee ID number.

Classified Professional Education Program (PEP) Fund Makes Learning Easy!

The potential benefits of learning are huge and very important for our self-esteem.  Developing a new skill keeps brain cells active and allows us to succeed and rejuvenate our work lives.

Mid-Year Reminder: We classified have a fund (as a result of collective bargaining) that helps provide opportunities in professional development and is intended to assist classified employees improve professional knowledge, competence, skills, and effectiveness relevant to their current district position.

The program allows for reimbursement for job-related training activities, tuition reimbursement, registration or material costs, and conferences and workshops.

Normal program rules allow one request per fiscal (school) year, up to $300 for workshops, classes, books or other expenses related to professional development.  Requests are processed on a first-come, first-served basis until funds run out.

PEP fund requests can be found on the HR website: http://www.4j.lane.edu/hr/forms/

Send completed forms to:

PEP Fund, Ed Center

Attn.: Diana McElhinney

This newsletter is reviewed and edited each month by the District 4J and OSEA representatives of the Classified Joint Benefits Committee (JBC).The information in this newsletter is summarized, and is not intended as advice or counsel.

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