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World Language Curriculum Upgrades Underway

New language learning materials are coming soon!

4J has kicked off the process to adopt new world language curriculum materials using bond funds approved by voters in 2013. The last districtwide world language curriculum adoption was 15 years ago. Some materials still in use today rely on outdated technology and no longer align with state standards.

The new standards emphasize cultural competency, collaborative learning and analytical and evaluative skills, in addition to comprehensive communication proficiencies.

Teams of teachers, specialists, technology experts and other district staff are reviewing the new curriculum options. Each world language program has its own review team: middle and high school Spanish, French, Japanese and American Sign Language programs, plus each of the language immersion programs (Spanish, French, Japanese and Mandarin Chinese).

Parents, students, educators and community members will have an opportunity to discuss the process, review the textbooks and supplemental materials being considered, and provide feedback at a world language curriculum adoption open house this spring.

New curriculum for middle and high school world language programs will be adopted in spring 2018 and rolled out in the 2018–19 school year. New language immersion curriculum will be adopted in the 2018–19 school year and implemented in schools the following year.

Stay tuned!

4J School Bond Measure: In May 2013, voters in Eugene School District 4J resoundingly passed a $170 million school bond measure to provide funding for 4J school improvements. The bond measure has funded improvements at every 4J school, including updated science curricula and other instructional materials, new student technology, security upgrades, and building repairs, as well as replaced four of the district’s oldest, most inefficient school buildings. (Learn more)

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