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North Region Visioning Process: Get Engaged

Share your views, shape your schools
Help define future of North Eugene region 

You are invited to help shape the future of 4J schools in the North Eugene area. Students, families, staff and neighbors are encouraged to take part in the district’s North Region Visioning Process at a community engagement event in November or December.

Attendees will participate in energizing design activities and share their voices to help guide future decisions, as our schools seek to better serve our community’s diverse students and families.

Eugene School District 4J is working to support and strengthen schools across the district, starting in the North Eugene region, and the community is invited to get involved.

Choose one:

Monday, November 6, 5:30–7:30 p.m.
Madison Middle School, 875 Wilkes Dr.
(RSVP or invite friends on Facebook

Tuesday, December 5, 5:30–7:30 p.m.
Kelly Middle School, 850 Howard Ave.
(RSVP or invite friends on Facebook

Thursday, November 16 / jueves, 16 de noviembre, 5:30–7:30 p.m.
River Road/El Camino del Río Elementary School, 120 W. Hilliard Lane.
(RSVP or invite friends on Facebook

 Wednesday, November 8, 4:00–6:00 p.m.
North Eugene High School cafeteria, 200 Silver Lane
(RSVP or invite friends on Facebook

These community engagement events are part of 4J’s North Region Visioning Process, a regional focus including an opinion- and idea-gathering process involving North Eugene area parents, students, school staff and community members. The aim is to identify and implement a unified vision for North Region schools in the coming years. The North Region Visioning Process follows on the districtwide 4J Vision 20/20 strategic planning process. Visioning processes in other regions will follow.

If you have questions about these events or the North Region Visioning Process, please call 4J Instructional Services at 541-790-7550.

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