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DACA: All Families Are Welcome and Valued in 4J

A message from the superintendent and school board

Información en español / Information in Spanish

The federal administration has announced that it is taking steps to dismantle the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. DACA has provided temporary protection from deportation and permission to work, study and drive in the U.S. to undocumented youth who came to live here as children.

Eugene is home to families from all over the world. We know that many of our 4J families and staff are uncertain and concerned about how the changes to DACA will affect our current students, graduates and families.

While no one yet knows exactly what it will mean for individuals, we want to reassure our families and our community that it will not change how Eugene School District 4J welcomes and educates all students.

In 4J we are committed to supporting the success of every student and creating a safe and welcoming environment for every family. We have a moral obligation to educate every child, and all children have a constitutional right to equal access to public education, regardless of their immigration status.

4J schools are and will remain open and welcoming to all students and families. Schools should be safe places where everyone treats each other with kindness and respect, regardless of their color, heritage, religion, language, immigration status, identity, or politics.

We stand up for all of our students. We stand up against fear. We stand up against hate. We will not tolerate any bullying, harassment or discrimination in our schools.

We are committed to all of our students and to making sure our schools are safe spaces for all students to learn and grow.


– Superintendent Gustavo Balderas and the Eugene School Board: Eileen Nittler (Chair), Alicia Hays (Vice Chair), Anne Marie Levis, Judy Newman, Evangelina Sundgrenz, Jim Torrey, Mary Walston


More about 4J’s commitment to supporting all students and families:
School Board Affirms Support of All Students
Superintendent’s Welcome Message to Families

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Información en español / Information in Spanish

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