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Labor Negotiations Underway Between District, Teachers Union

District proposes contract that would maintain full school year and class sizes, protect student time with teachers, provide compensation increases, maintain sustainable budget

4J’s Initial Proposal – Overview | Contract Language
EEA’s Initial Proposal 

The Eugene School District and the Eugene Education Association, which represents teachers and licensed specialists, have entered negotiations for a collective bargaining agreement to succeed the current contract that expires June 30, 2017.

On May 9, the bargaining teams for the district and the association met and exchanged initial proposals.

The district’s three-year contract proposal would:

  • Provide fair compensation
  • Preserve full school year
  • Promote equitable instruction time
  • Protect student time with teachers
  • Support teacher effectiveness with coordinated professional development
  • Maintain a sustainable budget that holds the line on class sizes

Significant elements of the district’s proposal are summarized and explained for interested readers in an overview document.

The teams are next scheduled to meet on Tuesday, May 16, 4:30–8:30 p.m., at the 4J Education Center, 200 N. Monroe St.

Updates on the process will be posted on this website. For ongoing updates or to see a schedule of upcoming bargaining sessions, see www.4j.lane.edu/eea.


4J’s Initial Contract Proposal – Overview
4J’s Initial Contract Proposal – Contract Language
EEA’s Initial Contract Proposal 

Ongoing Bargaining Updates 

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