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Water Testing Results

Proactive testing of water quality is underway districtwide

Eugene School District 4J is taking voluntary, proactive steps to ensure safe water supplies. The health and safety of students is a top priority.

In response to concerns raised around the U.S. and in Oregon, this spring the district contracted with an independent professional environmental service to test water for lead across the district. All water faucets used for drinking and food preparation are being tested, following the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) testing guidelines.

Water samples have been collected across the district and sent to professional labs for analysis. Initial test results have been received for several school and work sites. However, the lab analysis is taking longer than expected because many school districts and other sites are testing their water this summer.

Where any elevated lead levels are found, the district:

  • Immediately stops the water from being consumed and ensures safe drinking water is available.
  • Identifies and eliminates the source of the lead.
  • Retests the water to ensure it is safe for students and staff.
  • Notifies parents, students and staff of the results and actions taken.

Findings from the initial tests are being posted on this website and communicated to parents promptly after they are received.

For current information on water testing results, see:
Water Quality Information

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