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Student Learning & Growth Goals

In recent years, Oregon has implemented the use of multiple measures of performance as part of educator professional growth and evaluation systems, including classroom, school, and district level Student Learning and Growth (SLG) goals. SLG goals are detailed and measurable goals developed collaboratively by educators and their supervisors. They are required for teachers, special education teachers, school counselors, media specialists, speech and language pathologists, principals, assistant principals, and instructional directors.

The components of SLG goals include:

  • Content Standards/Skills
  • Assessments
  • Context/Students
  • Baseline Data
  • Student Learning and Growth Goal Statements and Targets
  • Rationale
  • Strategies
  • Professional Learning and Support

SLG goals reinforce evidence-based instructional practice, place the focus on student learning, and help develop collaborative communities. They hold all students to the same standards but allow for various levels of learning and growth depending on performance shown in baseline data.

ODE SLG Goals Guidance
Guide to Developing SLG Goals
SLG Goals Quality Review Checklist
SLG Goals Review Questions
ODE Sample SLG Goals

Attendance Threshold

In evaluating progress on SLG goals at the end of the goal cycle, the intact group will be all students for whom there is a pre-/post-score and who have had at least 90% attendance during the goal period. Use the following state adopted rubric to rate progress on goals:

Level 4 (Highest)

This category applies when approximately 90% of students met their target(s) and approximately 25% of students exceeded their target(s). This category should only be selected when a substantial number of students surpassed the overall level of attainment established by the target(s). Goals are very rigorous yet attainable, and differentiated (as appropriate) for all students.

Level 3

This category applies when approximately 90% of students met their target(s). Results within a few points, a few percentage points, or a few students on either side of the target(s) should be considered “met”. The bar for this category should be high and it should only be selected when it is clear that all or almost all students met the overall level of attainment established by the target(s). Goals are rigorous yet attainable and differentiated (as appropriate) for all students.

Level 2

This category applies when 70-89% of students met their target(s), but those that missed the target missed by more than a few points, a few percentage points or a few students. Goals are attainable but might not be rigorous or differentiated (as appropriate) for all students.

Level 1 (Lowest)

This category applies when less than 70% of students meet their target(s). If a substantial proportion of students did not meet their target(s), the SLG was not met. Goals are attainable, but not rigorous. This category also applies when results are missing or incomplete.


Both SLG goals and Professional Practice goals are to be completed using all the elements of a SMART goal:

S – Specific, focused and addressing needs
M – Measurable, using an appropriate instrument or measure
A – Appropriate, clearly relating to your role and directly related to the standards
R – Realistic, doable but rigorous
T – Time-bound, based on a specified timeline

SMART Goal Steps

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