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4J Benefits and Wellness Newsletter – December 2015 – Issue 284

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Prepared by Julie Wenzl • 541-790-7682 • December 15, 2015 • Issue Number 284



Next month, 4J will be hosting a PERS education presentation: Understanding Your PERS Pension. The presentation is suitable for PERS members just beginning their careers, for those within a few months of retirement, and for all members in between.

Topics will include:

  • Understanding the differences between Tier 1, Tier 2, and OPSRP
  • Pension benefit calculation methods
  • Understanding your IAP account
  • Retirement option choices
  • Coordinating PERS benefits with other income sources
  • Investment strategies and financial planning for retirement

The presentation will begin at 4:30 p.m. in the Ed Center Auditorium on Tuesday, January 26, 2016, and will last approximately one hour 15 minutes. At the conclusion of the presentation, there will time for questions and answers.

To sign up to attend, please send an e-mail to wenzl@4j.lane.edu. In your e-mail, please indicate whether you will attend alone or whether you will be bringing a guest.


If you had a Flexible Spending Account for unreimbursed health-related expenses and/or dependent care expenses during the plan year that ended September 30, 2015, remember that expenses incurred between October 1, 2014, and September 30, 2015 are eligible for reimbursement.

In order to claim money for expenses incurred during the previous plan year, you’ll need to either file your reimbursement claim electronically or submit a Reimbursement Request to PacificSource Administrators (PSA) along with the appropriate documentation. Do not use your Benny Card for prior plan year expenses. You can find information about how to file a request for reimbursement, as well as the necessary form(s), on the PSA website: http://psa.pacificsource.com/Flex/Request_Reimbursement/

The deadline for reimbursement requests for expenses incurred during the previous plan year is December 31, 2015. If you have money remaining in your FSA for unreimbursed health-related expenses, up to $500 of unspent funds may be rolled over into the current plan year. Unclaimed funds in an FSA for dependent care may not be rolled over.

If you have questions, please call PSA customer service at 541-485-7488 or 800-422-7038.


If you are enrolled in a Synergy Network medical plan, you (and any enrolled dependents) must name a Moda Medical Home (MMH). If you would like to name the 4J Wellness Clinic as your MMH, you can do so online or by phone (866-923-0409).

To run an online search, start at the Moda website for OEBB members: https://www.modahealth.com/oebb/members/. You can search as a guest or log into your myModa account. If you are a Synergy Network participant and opt to log into your myModa account, you’ll select the Medical Home tab on your myModa homepage.

To search by Provider or facility name, search for Lane County School District 4J.

To search by Provider type, use the drop down menu and select Medical Home Clinics & Medical Groups. When you scroll through the results you should find Lane County School District 4J.

To search by Provider specialty, use the drop down menu and select Clinic – Primary Care Provider. When you scroll through the results you should find Lane County School District 4J.

If you make a change in your MMH, the change will be effective the first of the month following the notification of your new selection.

Remember, Synergy enrollees who use a Moda medical home provider who is not part of the preselected home, will receive a lower benefit, as the claim will be paid at the out-of-network level.


The experts from the Tufts University Health and Nutrition Letter suggest that one way to avoid having to rely on airline or airport noshes while traveling is to bring along your own snacks. Good choices include:

  • Individually wrapped cheese sticks, which keep a long time unrefrigerated
  • Small packets of unsalted nuts
  • 100-calorie packages of whole-wheat crackers
  • Whole apples or bananas
  • Little bags of carrots or apple slices
  • Homemade trail mix
  • Protein bars
  • Freeze-dried fruit and veggie snacks

These nutrition experts also suggest that you avoid the calories of sugared sodas and alcoholic beverages. Keep in mind that the effects of alcohol in-flight are magnified by the reduced air pressure in the cabin which is similar to being at high altitude on the ground. A common adage among airline crews is that ‘one drink in the air is equivalent to two on the ground.’ Alcohol also contributes to dehydration – already a problem in the dry confines of an airline cabin.

Airport and airline food options have improved, but if your holiday plans have you taking to the skies, you may want to pack your own in-flight treats for the healthiest options.


The Eugene Education Association manages the Sick Leave Bank (SLB), the purpose of which is to grant hours to eligible members in cases of long-term absence necessitated by illness or injury.

During the SLB fall enrollment period (September 1 – November 2, 2015), 212 licensed employees made a donation of one or two days, 20 of them for the first time. Six donors donated the maximum allowed (16 hours) despite the fact that each works less than 1.0 FTE. Thank you SLB donors!

The Sick Leave Bank provides relief for members who are dealing with serious health conditions. Unfortunately, the SLB has had to provide support more frequently than in the past, so the support of donors has become more critical than ever. To maintain active membership, a minimum donation of one day (prorated for part-time members) must be made every two years. For those of you who donated during this fall’s enrollment period, your next required donation will be in the fall of 2017. However, members are allowed to donate a maximum of 16 hours per school year.

There will be a second SLB enrollment period this school year from February 1 – April 1, 2016. E-mail reminders and donation forms will be sent at that time.


The 4J Wellness Clinic will be closed December 24, 2015, through January 1, 2016. Regular clinic hours, which will resume January 4, 2016, are Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. The clinic is closed for lunch from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. The phone number for the clinic is 541-686-1427.


Like all licensed employees, I will be out of the office for winter break December 21, 2015, through January 4, 2016.

For questions regarding Moda Health benefits or claims, contact:

For questions regarding Willamette Dental Group benefits or claims, contact:

For questions regarding eligibility, contact OEBB:

To access the Employee Assistance Program:

For questions regarding life or long term disability insurance:

The information in this newsletter has been summarized. It is presented as information – not advice or counsel. In all instances, the benefits, conditions, and limitations as outlined in the 4J Master Contracts prevail over this representation. Please refer to your Benefits booklet or master contracts available at the District offices for additional information regarding your benefits plans.

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