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District Invites Parent Input

Surveys on family engagement and special education open through June 5

Family engagement survey in English / Spanish
Special education survey in English / Spanish

Parents and guardians of students in Eugene School District 4J are invited to provide input to the district through surveys on school–family communication and engagement and on special education services. The surveys are open through Friday, June 5.

The family engagement survey originally was scheduled to close on May 28 but has been extended to allow additional participation.

The feedback families provide will be used to inform 4J’s efforts to continually improve our district, our schools, our services, and our partnership with families to further the success of our students.

Family engagement survey in English
Encuesta en español sobre la comunicación y participación de la escuela con los padres 

Special education survey in English
Encuesta en español sobre los servicios de educación especial


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