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Superintendent Candidate Profile Published

Community input helped shape criteria for 4J’s next superintendent

Leadership Profile Report
Desired Characteristics for Superintendent Candidates  

Community members’ input has been summarized and used to help develop a candidate profile for the 4J superintendent search.

Eugene School District 4J is seeking a new superintendent. 2014–15 is Dr. Sheldon Berman’s final year as superintendent of the district. The board hopes to name a new superintendent in spring 2015.

In December 2014 parents, staff, students and other interested community members were invited to provide input on the strengths and qualities the district’s next leader should have. More than 1,250 stakeholders completed an online survey and more than 120 provided input in person at a community forum or focus group. This input is summarized in the Leadership Profile Report developed by executive search firm Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates, and was used to help develop the description of the characteristics desired in superintendent candidates.

There will be additional opportunities for public input during the superintendent search process. A citizen screening committee will screen applications, interview candidates, and recommend semifinalists to the school board. The board will then select and interview a slate of semifinalists. After the board selects finalists, in early March 2015, parents, staff, students and other interested community members will be invited to meet the superintendent candidates and provide input at community forums.


More About the Superintendent Search

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