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River Road School Design Gets Underway

Public invited to open house about design of new school

Design for a new River Road/El Camino del Río Elementary School is underway. River Road is one of the four schools, among 4J’s oldest and most inefficient, that will be replaced or renovated over the next few years, thanks to voters’ approval of the school bond measure in May 2013. 

Community members are invited to a public meeting on Tuesday, May 6, about the design of the new River Road/El Camino del Río Elementary School. Participants will get a look at the site study and initial design concepts, ask questions and share comments with the design team.

River Road Elementary School Design Public Meeting
Tuesday, May 6 • 5:30–7 p.m. 
120 W. Hilliard Lane

5:30 p.m. Open house begins
6:00 p.m. Presentation & discussion
7:00 p.m. Ending time

The current River Road/El Camino del Río Elementary School was built in 1953 and is in poor condition. It will be replaced with a new school building that will provide better learning environments for students and will cost less to operate. Groundbreaking will occur in 2015 and the new school is expected to open in fall 2016.

Learn more:
• River Road project website
• Join the mailing list for River Road school design news
• More bond measure news
• Bond measure overview

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