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Classified Benefits & Wellness Newsletter May 2014 Issue #7

May is Open Enrollment Month for the Classified Sick Leave Bank
All Classified employees will receive a yellow enrollment packet in district mail for bank membership effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. The packet should arrive at your work site during the week of May 1st.

All current membership ends 6/30/2014.
Any Classified employee who wishes to join, or to retain membership in the bank, must donate at least one day of sick leave by returning the completed, signed enrollment form prior to the final deadline of Friday, May 30, 2014.

Here’s how enrollment works:

Each Classified employee will receive a yellow enrollment packet in the district mail.

Didn’t get a form? You can make a copy of a co-worker’s blank form, and send it, or deliver it to Human Resources. (There’s a box at the HR front desk)

After reading the rules, fill out and sign the form, fold it in half, put one small piece of tape, or put one staple in the center, and put in district mail or deliver to the box in Human Resources.

Please do not put the form in an envelope. Follow the directions above, and it will be “self-addressed” and easy to identify.

Please do not contact Human Resources if you have questions or problems regarding the sick leave bank. Contact me or one of the committee members:

Diana McElhinney         ext. 7679
Debbie Phillips                 ext. 7780
Linda Warner                  ext. 5700


Classified Sick Leave Bank Questions & Answers:

Q: Can I donate more than one day to the bank?…and I only work four hours. Is that a “day?”

 A: You may donate up to two days at open enrollment. However, it’s not required or recommended – it only takes one day for full bank membership. The additional day provides no extra benefit to the donor. …and yes, one “day” is considered one regular work day for you.

 Q: I’ve run out of all my sick leave – how can I join the bank?

 A: Your sick leave donation will take place around the new allotment of your bank credit for next school year. This should allow almost anyone to join the bank – go ahead and send in the form.

 Q: I’m a new employee. I didn’t receive an enrollment packet. When can I join?

 A: May open enrollment is the only time when Classified employees may join the bank. Go ahead and send in a form before the deadline. Any new employee hired after the May open enrollment, or who misses the enrollment deadline, will need to wait until May 2015 open enrollment.

 Q: I have very little sick leave. Why would I want to join the bank?

 A: People in this situation are the most vulnerable to loss of income, if there’s a long-term illness or injury that prevents them from being able to do their job. All 4 hour and above employees do have some income protection with our Long-Term Disability insurance. However, there’s a 90-day wait for coverage to begin, and after that, income is replaced at only 66%.      The Classified Sick Leave Bank can provide income replacement during that 90-day waiting period.

Q: I have several months of personal sick leave. Why would I want to join the bank?

 A: In some cases, you have rights to use your personal sick leave to care for an ill dependent. If that occurs, your personal sick leave could become depleted.   You would then have the “insurance” of the bank to protect your income against personal serious illness or injury. (Note: Sick Leave Bank time can only be used for the employee’s long-term incapacity)

 Q: I have over three months of personal sick leave. Why would I want to join the bank?

 A: If you have many months worth of sick leave, you may not receive any benefit from the bank. It’s important to remember that your situation could change, as noted above. At the minimum, donating to the bank will help those who are in serious medical situations, and who need bank support.


What’s Your Number?
The pilot Employee Wellness Program, What’s Your Number? has now wrapped up for 2013-14. The program, made possible through the OEA Choice Trust Employee Wellness Grant Program, allowed employees to participate in onsite screenings to assess their cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and body mass index. Additionally, the screenings let participants know their fasting blood glucose level.

Congratulations to Casandra Kamens of North Eugene High School, who was the grand-prize winner! Congratulations also go to Catherine Burke-Maher. Catherine completed a wellness program survey at the September 5, 2013 Benefits Forum held at Sheldon High School and won the drawing for a Lane County Parks pass. Thanks to Casandra, Catherine, and all of you who participated in the“What’s Your Numbers?” Employee Wellness Program.


Moda Health Tools & Coaching – Your partner in health:
Take control of your health by managing health conditions such as diabetes, asthma, COPD, cardiac, depression, spine and joint pain, women’s health, weight management, physical activity, stress and more!
You’ll find one-on-one access to qualified health coaches over the phone or through email. For complete program details log into your myModa account and select the myhealth tab.

  • Health assessment tools: start by assessing your current health status.
  • Children and adolescent health risk factors: Health risks factors that contribute to chronic disease in children and adolescents.
  • Personal health management: Moda Health provides you with several resources to manage your healthy lifestyle.
  • Healthy links: Explore online health resources.
  • Monthly health observances: View monthly updates promoted by various health and wellness organizations.
  • To contact a health coach by phone:     1-800-913-4957.


PEP Fund Request Deadline
The following deadline is in place for applications for the Classified Professional Education Program (PEP) fund:
Form must be in HR by Friday, May 16.  Normal program rules allow one request per school year, up to $200 for workshops, classes, books, or other expenses related to professional development.

   ♦Funds are still available if you would      like to submit a 2nd request.

Need a PEP fund request form? Please use the current form from the 4J web pages at:

 ♦Human Resources
  ♦Classified Staff
    ♦Classified Employee Information Forms
      ♦ (PEP) Fund Request

Having trouble finding the form? Give me a call or e-mail (see contact info. at top of front page)


OEBB Healthy Futures
Signed up to get your 2014-15 $100 lower deductible?

COMPLETE the online (confidential) health assessment on Moda’s website before May 31, 2014. ♦Go to modahealth.com/oebb and log into your myModa account or register for a new account, then click “Health Risk Assessment (HRA).

TAKE two actions to improve or maintain your health before August 15, 2014.
♦You can find detailed Healthy Futures information on the OEBB website: www.oregon.gov/oha/oebb/pages/HealthyFutures.aspx.

REPORT you two actions during Open Enrollment 2014
♦August 15, 2014 – September 15, 2014.

REMEMBER – if you cover a spouse or domestic partner, they will need to participate as well.


This newsletter is reviewed and edited each month by the District 4J and OSEA representatives of the Classified Joint Benefits Committee (JBC). The information in this newsletter is summarized, and is not intended as advice or counsel.


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