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2011 School Choice Info & Dates

February 7, 2011 – 12:00pm

Students may enroll in their neighborhood schools at any time. To request to enroll your child in a different school for 2011–12, fill out a school choice request form and return it to the Instruction Department at the 4J Education Center, 200 North Monroe Street.

School choice request forms will be available on this website, at schools, and at the 4J Education Center beginning February 7. To be included in the annual school choice lottery, forms must be returned to the Instruction Department no later than 5 p.m. on April 22. Students will be placed in the order determined by the lottery.

Learn more about school choice and download a school choice request form

Learn more about 4J’s neighborhood and alternative school options

CANCELED: February 24, 2011 – 7:00pm – 8:00pm

Location: 4J Education Center, 200 North Monroe Street

Do you want to learn more about the school choice process? Do you have questions about how it works? Read more about school choice on this website, or attend one of three general information meetings at the 4J district office.

Choose a meeting time that fits your family’s schedule:
Thursday, February 24, 7–8 p.m. (canceled due to hazardous weather)
Saturday, March 5, 9–10 a.m.
Thursday, March 10, 7–8 p.m.

Spanish translation will be provided at all three meetings.

More information about school choice

February 28, 2011 – 7:00am – March 4, 2011 – 5:00pm

Schools will offer tours and hold open houses and other events to welcome prospective parents during the weeks of Feb. 28–Mar. 4 and Mar. 14–18.

Parents are welcome in all schools, and are especially encouraged to visit their neighborhood schools.

A schedule of activities will be posted on this website in mid-February.

March 5, 2011 – 9:00am – 10:00am

Location: 4J Education Center, 200 North Monroe Street

Do you want to learn more about the school choice process? Do you have questions about how it works? Read more about school choice on this website, or attend one of three general information meetings at the 4J district office.

Choose a meeting time that fits your family’s schedule:
Thursday, February 24, 7–8 p.m. (canceled due to hazardous weather)
Saturday, March 5, 9–10 a.m.
Thursday, March 10, 7–8 p.m.

Spanish translation will be provided at all three meetings.

More information about school choice

March 10, 2011 – 7:00pm – 8:00pm

Location: 4J Education Center, 200 North Monroe Street

Do you want to learn more about the school choice process? Do you have questions about how it works? Read more about school choice on this website, or attend one of three general information meetings at the 4J district office.

Choose a meeting time that fits your family’s schedule:
Thursday, February 24, 7–8 p.m. (canceled due to hazardous weather)
Saturday, March 5, 9–10 a.m.
Thursday, March 10, 7–8 p.m.

Spanish translation will be provided at all three meetings.

More information about school choice

March 14, 2011 – 7:00am – March 18, 2011 – 5:00pm

Schools will offer tours and hold open houses and other events to welcome prospective parents during the weeks of Feb. 28–Mar. 4 and Mar. 14–18.

Parents are welcome in all schools, and are especially encouraged to visit their neighborhood schools.

A schedule of activities will be posted on this website in mid-February.

March 18, 2011 – 5:00pm

Students may enroll in their neighborhood schools at any time. To request to enroll your child in a different school for 2011–12, fill out a school choice request form and return it to the Instruction Department at the 4J Education Center, 200 North Monroe Street.

School choice request forms will be available on this website, at schools, and at the 4J Education Center beginning February 7. To be included in the annual school choice lottery for high schools, forms must be returned to the Instruction Department no later than 5 p.m. on March 18. The deadline for elementary, middle and K–8 school request forms is April 22.

Students will be placed in the order determined by the lottery.

Learn more about school choice and download a school choice request form

Learn more about 4J’s neighborhood and alternative school options

April 22, 2011 – 5:00pm

Students may enroll in their neighborhood schools at any time. To request to enroll your child in a different school for 2011–12, fill out a school choice request form and return it to the Instruction Department at the 4J Education Center, 200 North Monroe Street.

School choice request forms will be available on this website, at schools, and at the 4J Education Center beginning February 7. To be included in the annual school choice lottery for elementary, middle and K–8 schools, forms must be returned to the Instruction Department no later than 5 p.m. on April 22. The deadline for high school request forms is March 18.

Students will be placed in the order determined by the lottery.

Learn more about school choice and download a school choice request form

Learn more about 4J’s neighborhood and alternative school options

May 1, 2011 (All day) – May 31, 2011 (All day)

Many 4J elementary schools ask parents to register their new kindergarten students in May. Some schools hold orientation or other special events.

Please call your school for more details. (contact info)

For more information about enrolling your child in kindergarten, please see How To Enroll.



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