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Superintendent Search: Student Voice Meeting (4J students only)

October 5, 2010 – 5:00pm – 6:00pm

Location: César Chávez Elementary School – library, 1510 W. 14th Ave., Eugene

Note: This meeting has been scheduled to hear students’ voices. It is open to 4J students only.

Eugene School District 4J is seeking student input as the search for a new superintendent begins.

One of the first steps of the search process is developing a candidate profile — a list of the strengths and qualities that 4J’s students, parents, staff and community think 4J’s next superintendent should have.

4J students are invited to share their input by attending this meeting or completing a brief web survey.

Online Survey —The survey will be online until Oct. 10.  Students, parents, staff and community members are encouraged to share their input through this survey. Paper copies are available at schools and the district office for those without internet access.

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