• We do NOT have textbooks that match our curriculum so attendance and class participation are vital!  All materials will be teacher-created and copies will be easily accessible to all students.



    *Arrive to class on time with ALL required materials (pencils included).


    *Follow directions and classroom procedures the first time they are given.
    *Receive permission to speak or leave your seat.
    *Be respectful of all people and property at all times.


    Materials Required:

    *3-ring binder 
    BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology): 
                There will be times in class that your student may use personal technology. Such items may include a Kindle, iPad, laptop, tablet, iPod, MP3 player or other device related to education. Cell phones will NOT be included in BYOT for Mr. Spencer's class except in special circumstances for specific purposes.  
                BYOT will only be used with direct teacher permission and must be used in accordance with school policy.  Students will not NEED their own technology in class as any tech-related projects or assignments done in the classroom will be accompanied by laptops or iPads supplied by Mr. Spencer.
    Organization and Notebooks:
                Students are required to keep a current notebook full of lecture notes, worksheets, quizzes, tests, printouts, study guides and/or any other materials that are presented in class. This will require a 3-ring binder used ONLY FOR MR. SPENCER'S CLASS!  
                Middle school is a time to learn one’s organization style and what works best for them. Most materials will be posted on Mr. Spencer's website but not all items will be posted....so encourage your son/daughter to learn proper organization that will help them throughout the rest of their lives!


    Lecture Notes:

                Lecture notes presented in class are very difficult and time consuming to make. This material is embedded with video links, primary documents, pictorial illustrations, maps, and various other items. It is important that each student keep a current notebook. This is where attendance is pivotal to comprehension. So much can be missed in one day due to the varying complexity of embedded resources.
                Mr. Spencer has an "Agenda Board" in the back of the room.  This board will be referred to daily with all assignments and classroom activities.  The board will be updated each day so that if a student is absent, they can see on the board what they missed for up to one week....and they can take a picture with their phone (after asking permission) at any time.  "Makeup Bins" are located in the classroom so that each student can get get copies of any and all handouts.
    Lecture notes will not be posted online and must be acquired from a fellow student. Students who require extra assistance with note taking will be provided accommodations. Engagement in the note taking process helps one learn and begin to form organizational skills necessary for high school and college.



     All HW assignments are posted on the Agenda Board each day with due dates clearly marked.  Assignments will also be posted on the website to assist with due dates.


    Our policy at HRMS is to make sure kids understand and can use the material, NOT to punish kids for not getting work done.  Late work is accepted up to one week late with a small deduction...so there is NO EXCUSE for not completing assignments.



    Assessments, Quizzes and Tests:

    Students will know about upcoming quizzes and tests well in advance.   Typically, quizzes and tests will be preceded with some type of in class review and study session.  All major tests, projects, etc that are important due dates will be sent via the Remind app (students have the information in their Parent Letter).


    End of Year Test:

    Students are required to take an end of year SS examination called the NCFE created by North Carolina. Keeping older materials from class after binder clean outs is suggested and study sessions will be conducted by Mr. Spencer to help students prepare for this test.


    Grading Scale: 

    A   90-100                  
    B   80-89                         
    C  70 - 79                         
    D   60 - 69                        
    F  59 and below


    Plagiarism and Cheating:

    Taking credit for other people’s work is not allowed at Harris Road Middle School. Students in middle school begin their journey toward scholarship and sometimes make mistakes when trying to navigate in this area. I will provide guidance, suggestions, and advice to any student who is looking to cite an example or borrow ideas if they are giving credit to others. Outright and intentional plagiarism will result in a ZERO!

    Cheating during a quiz, test, homework assignment, or assessment is a violation of the honor code and shows poor integrity. Any act of cheating will result in an immediate ZERO!