

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Buaban Curlee


My name is Buaban Curlee. I moved to America 25 years ago from Thailand. Thailand is a beautiful country, but I love North Carolina so much that I call her my home. I am an animal lover. I have two dogs and two goats. They are like babies to me. I also love to travel. I have visited Canada, Alaska, Korea, Japan, Hawaii, France, Belgium, Vietnam, China, Australia, and recently Thailand. I love them all. This summer I really enjoy water sports. Kayaking and paddleboarding are my favorites.

This is my 17th year of teaching Math and I am loving it. I am excited about meeting my students. It's going to be a great school year!


You are welcome to contact me by e-mail at or by phone at (704) 260-6470 ext.35961


Looking forward to working with you this year!! 


What to expect


This class is ungraded and based on diagnostic data. The diagnostic will conform to your instructions. You will be required to work on Iready personal Instruction for at least 45 minutes per week. Each month you will take a growth monitoring check. Your scores will be relayed to your parents through an email. We will chart your progress. Students may transition into the class based on space and need, and you may exit the class based on progress.


If you are absent, please work on Iready.