Velez, Virginia
- The P.E. uniform consists of a maroon/red shirt, navy blue/black shorts or sweatpants, socks, and tennis shoes. Leggings & Bike shorts MAY NOT BE WORN in PE class. All shorts, including running shorts, must reach mid thigh and/or have a 5 inch inseam
- A uniform shirt may be purchased from the school, as supplies last. Cost is $15. Students can bring cash or check to school or pay online via Online payment portal (print online receipt and student will need to bring it to their teacher).
- Shorts will not be sold
- Students may not wear the same clothes for P.E. that are worn during the school day. This includes wearing your PE uniform under school clothing.
- All students must change at the beginning & end of class.
- Locker use is optional.
- Students will be provided a combination lock to be used during physical education, if they choose to do so.
- Students opting for a locker will be assigned a locker to keep their P.E. items in overnight.
- All valuables should be locked up at all times.
- Locks are not to be removed from the locker room.
- There is a $15 replacement fee for lost locks.
- All locks should be locked before leaving the locker room.
- Non-dangling (stud) earrings and fitness trackers (apple watch, fit bit, etc) are allowed.
- All jewelry worn is at the students own risk.
- NO candy, gum or cough drops are permitted during P.E. class. Points will be deducted from your participation grade.
- Students are not permitted to use aerosol deodorant, perfumes, body sprays, etc. in the locker room. Many students have allergies, asthma, etc. and use of these products is an irritant to those conditions.
- No glass containers of any kind permitted in the locker room.
- All hair must be pulled back away from the face and not covering the eyes.
- Students will be graded as follows:
Participation= 50% Dress out= 50 %
- The following deductions will be made to the participation grade:
-Participation points can be lost for any of the following reasons:
horseplay, not following directions, foul language, bullying, unsportsmanlike behavior, destruction or improper use of PE equipment or any unsafe action.
**others at the teacher’s discretion
- The following deductions will be made to the dress out grade:
-Students will have the opportunity to earn a free dress out “ticket”. Students will earn the free dress out if they have completed the QR code form and Locker
Use contract. Without a ticket the student will have points deducted from their dress out grade each time.
-Students who refuse to borrow clothes will be redirected to the IDEAL room with a written assignment.
**others at the teacher’s discretion
- If a student has a doctor’s note to be excused from activity, an alternate assignment will be given and points will not be deducted.
- Any other note (parent, school nurse) will require the student to dress out, complete the alternate assignment, but not participate. There are no points deducted if the student dresses out. Parent notes are only good for two days. Any extended illness/injuries beyond two days requires a doctor’s note.
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s physical education teacher.
Please complete the Encore/Health/PE Contact Information Form by using the QR Code.