Phone: 704-260-6600 ext. 41626


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Salisbury University, 2008 Teacher Certification Millersville University, 2016

Mr. Ryan Macomber

Welcome parents and students to my website!  On the left side you will find links to each of my classes with all necessary information.  Academy classes use the same link as non-Academy classes.  I am looking forward to having an exciting and successful school year.

If you have any issues or questions, please email me.


Below are the links to each class' respective Canvas courses and their Remind codes.  Text the Remind code for your section to 81010.


1st Block Honors Chemistry - cmhschem1

2nd Block Honors Chemistry - cmhschem2

AP Physics - cmhsapphys




  • 1st - Honors Academy Physics
    2nd - Honors Physics
    3rd - Planning
    4th - Honors Physics

About Me

  • I am originally from New Freedom, Pennsylvania (due north of Baltimore, Maryland) and moved here in 2016.  I graduated from Salisbury University with a Bachelors of Science in Chemistry and a minor in Physics.  After graduation, I spent 4 years working as a protein biochemist for a biochemical company based near Philadelphia, PA.  When the opportunity presented itself, I began tutoring for the local community college and that sparked my passion for education.  I completed my certification program through Millersville University of Pennsylvania with a certification in Secondary Science Education.
    I am an avid sports fan and will not hesitate to incorporate them into my lessons (I'm looking at you Physics).  I have a deep running passion for the physical sciences, and will transfer my love of them into the classroom.  I am excited with all my recent changes, and am looking forward to getting to know all of my students and having another great year as a Charger.
    I am excited to announce that Cox Mill will be continuing our VEX Robotics team.  We will have this on the announcements and it is open to all students.  We typically meet after school 4 days a week for 1-2 hours.  The team will be competing at in state competitions throughout the school year as well as the regional state competition and (fingers crossed) the national level.  If you would like more information or have any questions about the team, please do not hesitate to email me.