Ms. Rachel Prill

Miss Prill
  • Education 

    Virginia Tech, 2013-2018

    • M.A, English Education
    • B.A., Literature and Language
    • B.A., Professional & Technical Writing



    Don Garlock Award, 2021-2022 School Year

    • This annual award is given to a young educator (across all schools in the Cave Spring district) that has made a significant impact in the field of education.
  • Welcome

    Hello! My name is Miss Prill, and I am thrilled to be your English teacher for the 2022-2023 school year.

    My primary class page is housed in Canvas. Details about the syllabus, assignments, and class procedures can be found through this portal. 

  • Educational Background & Beliefs

    After graduating from Virginia Tech, I was an English teacher at Cave Spring High School in Roanoke, VA for four years. This will be my first year at Cox Mill High School, and I am delighted to be a charger!

    A student-centered pedagogy is at the heart of my educational practices: students’ abilities, needs, and interests are the driving force behind assessments, lessons, and activities in the classroom. Additionally, I believe the foundation of a safe and authentic learning environment is meaningful interaction and relationships with students.

    I am convinced that these connections, especially when paired with PBIS, can be the catalyst of student empowerment and development...and there is nothing more profound than a student body who believes in themselves, their abilities, and their potential for a bright future!


    Spring 2023 Class Schedule

    • 1st Block: English II
    • 2nd Block: English II
    • 3rd Block: Honors English II
    • 4th Block: Planning


    Spring 2023 Class Materials

    1. Binder (or section within another class binder)
    2. Lined paper
    3. Dry erase markers
    4. Mini sticky notes
    5. Pencils


    Spring 2023 Remind Codes

    Over the course of the semester, I will utilize Remind to share important reminders regarding assignment due dates and upcoming assessments. If you would like to receive these messages, please text your class code to 81010 OR download the free Remind app and enter the class code.

    1ST BLOCK: English II


    2nd BLOCK: English II


    3RD BLOCK (A): Honors English II


    3RD BLOCK (B): Honors English II


    HOMEROOM: 2022-2023



    Parent Access to Canvas Classes

    Parents/guardians can monitor their student's classes by creating their own Canvas account:

    1. Visit the following website:

    2. In the top right corner, select “Click Here For an Account.”

    3. The landing page will request the following information: your name/email and your student's username/password. (The student's name/password will be his/her student ID number.) Fill in each section accordingly!