Phone: 704-260-6600


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. in English and Political Science, Queens College M.A.T. in Secondary English, Agnes Scott College National Board Certified Teacher Teaching Schedule: 1st Block: English II Academy 2nd Block Yearlong (A/B): AP Literature and Comp 3rd Block: English II

Susan Shuping


I am excited to be returning to Cox Mill High School for the 2022-23 school year!  I have taught English language arts for 23 years.  I hope that you will enjoy exploring the world through literature, composition, and film with me this semester!

Students:  Go to our English Canvas course's "Announcements" to find our course overview, syllabus, and daily assignments.


Please make sure that you know your student's Powerschool account information so you can monitor his/her grade and progress online.  If you need that information, please visit the school's main page, visit the  "Resources" tab and scroll down to "Powerschool Information."
Also, to become an observer on your child's Canvas account, you will need to:
  1. Visit the following website:
  2. On this page, you should see the box below. Click on “Click Here For an Account”
  3. The following information box will appear: your name, your email, child's username, child's password. Complete the information in the box. The child’s username and password will be their student ID number.