

Degrees and Certifications:

GDI (Global Diversity & Inclusion)

As a club, GDI educates students on different forms of diversity (neurodiversity, religious affiliation, etc.) and how to be more inclusive regarding topics that are stigmatized. We teach our students about unconscious biases we have that prevent us from being fully inclusive/accepting (microaggressions, ageism, etc.). In previous years we have held around two meetings a month, one where we go over the specifics of the monthly topic to spread awareness to our members, and another external event where we work as a club to spread awareness to our community. Our goal is to passionately promote diversity & inclusion while educating students on minorities, and how to recognize the prejudice/bias that have been embedded within the roots of society & our community (such as systemic racism, sexism, mental health stigmas, etc.!)

Mission Statement: To empower student advocacy by sharing & implementing knowledge that strengthens awareness of global disparities regarding diversity and inclusion.


Contact info:

Luis Osorio- Club Advisor:

Devika Reni- President:

Kripa Bhat- Vice President:

Jiana Athial- Vice President of Conduct:

Member registration form:



Remind code: @cmhsgdi

Instagram: @coxmillgdi

