• Honors Course Details: Physics
    Below, you will find specifics regarding Honors Physics. This will include what to expect throughout the course and what extensions an honors student will receive in this class that is not taught in the general level class. If you have questions regarding the following, please contact the course teacher.

    Curriculum Content

    Honors Physics is a science class that has a strong math component. Students learn the relationship between mathematic components in the science world. Using this, students will see how everything around us is connected and how physics predicts motion and other physical phenomena. Students are also introduced to lab procedures that are necessary for higher level sciences and college level classes. Throughout the course, students will have to think critically to come to conclusions, find solutions, and will make connections between pieces of knowledge they learned in pre-requisite science classes.
    Honors Physics is a pre-requisite for AP Physics.

    Instructional Materials and Methods
    Through Honors Physics students will be performing:
    · Additional/ Modified Labs

    · Additional/ Modified Performance Tasks

    · Modified Assignments

    · Preparing a Group Lesson on an Extension Topic

    In Honors Physics, students will have various course/unit assessments. These include quizzes, labs, homework, performance tasks, and tests that will also assess the extension topics as well as the NC essential standard objectives. Students will use math as a tool in physics, so they will be required to show work and solve physical calculations. Physics concepts will also be conceptually interpreted. Doing the math is not enough; you must understand what your answer means.  All students will be required to complete the NC Final Exam of Physics worth 25% of the overall course grade. The Final Exam will not include honors extensions.