Phone: 704.266.6600 ext. 41401


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. History/Political Science Secondary Education Certification Daily Schedule 1st block - American History 2nd block - Planning 3rd block - American History Honors 4th block - Multicultural Studies

Ms. Sherman

Welcome to my webpage. Beginning my 17th Educator year in Cabarrus County Schools and sixth year here at Cox Mill High School.  Cooperate life as a Human Resources Coordinator & SME (Special Matter Expert) preceded my life as an Educator.  Hobbies that excite me are scrapbooking, informational reading (just love to know stuff :-0), collecting cultural artifacts (from my travels), shopping (just love unusual clothing) and international travel (would love to visit each continent). Hoping in the coming years to touch down on the continents of South America and Antarctica! Touched down on the Australian continent this past summer! Wow, the journey was my schooling!

As a life-long learner, I've currently taken on the challenge of learning to read, write and speak the Korean language. This is year #5. Indeed, progress is slow yet improving! 

Looking forward to a great semester and a great year!

Thank you, 

Alfreda Sherman

Last Modified on August 20, 2022