Phone: 704-260-6600


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Lisa Lamberti

I am a National Board Certified EC teacher from southern Michigan, and a proud graduate of Michigan State University.  I began teaching in North Carolina in 2003, and have been teaching at Cox Mill High School since we opened in 2009.  I teach a study skills class and co-teach Foundations of Math 1 and 3, Math 2 and 3, and English III.  I enjoy working with students to help them become better learners and feel successful.
Outside of school, I love to scrapbook and spend time with my family.  I like MSU football and hockey, and concerts.
FYI - My classroom is a SCENT FREE classroom.  No perfumes, lotions, colognes, deodorants, or anything with a scent are allowed out in class.  Contact me if you would like more information.  
I share an office with other teachers, so email is the best method to get in touch with me.

My Schedule

  • 1st block - Planning

    2nd block - Co-taught Math 2 w/Eric Ely

                   Link to Mr. Ely's Website

    3rd block - Co-taught Math 3 w/Pam Hayes

                   Link to Mrs. Hayes' Website

    4th block - Planning


    Peer Tutoring

    Peer Tutoring begins February 13, 2023.  


    What subjects are offered in Peer Tutoring?

    English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Spanish Tutors for courses offered at CMHS are available for this semester!


    When and where is Peer Tutoring offered?

    Peer Tutoring is offered Monday – Thursday on School Days from 2:15 – 3:15pm in the following locations:

    Monday – Mrs. Smith (Room 1643)

    Tuesday – Mrs. Austin (Room 1641)

    Wednesday – Mrs. Hayes (Room 2112)

    Thursday – Mrs. Tate (Room 1303)


    How do I sign up to receive tutoring help?

    If you would like to sign up to work with a peer tutor, show up to the Peer Tutoring room of the day by 2:15pm, and plan to have a way home from school at 3:15pm.  If Peer Tutoring is cancelled on a given day, there will be an announcement at the end of the day. 


    Other Questions?

    Email Ms. Parker ( or stop by Room 1630. 

College Entrance Exams (SAT/ACT)

  • PSAT/SAT and ACT

    The SAT and ACT are considered college entrance exams. The PSAT/SAT are managed by the College Board and the Pre-ACT/ACT are managed by ACT.

    The PSAT is a practice SAT and may be taken as early as 10th grade. Most students take the PSAT and SAT as a junior in high school. Students who wish to take the SAT sign up based on the College Board schedule.

    North Carolina currently requires every high school student to take the Pre-ACT and ACT and NC pays for the test one time. The Pre-ACT is given to 10th grade students, usually in the fall. Students take the ACT during the spring of their junior year (usually late February, early March). 

    If your child plans to go straight to a four-year university, they will most likely need to take the SAT or ACT (may be different with pandemic). Each college or university has their own required test for admission. Please check the colleges in which your child is interested to find which test they require. If you have questions about the PSAT/SAT, please check out the College Board website. For questions about the ACT, check out


    Students w/IEPs: Testing Accommodations for College Entrance Exams

    Students who need testing accommodations need prior approval for the PSAT, SAT, and ACT. The school will normally send a letter to parents of students who have testing accommodations for the PSAT during the summer before their 10th grade year. If you receive this letter and want your student to have their testing accommodations, please follow the instructions in the letter. If approved by the College Board, students will receive their accommodations for both the PSAT and the SAT. During students’ junior year of high school, the school will submit the request for approval of testing accommodations prior to the ACT.

    You will get notification of approval for the PSAT, SAT, and/or the ACT in the mail. If the request has not been approved, please contact your child's counselor in Student Support Services (S3) so we can communicate with each test administrator about what documentation they may still need. If at first the request is not approved, don’t panic. This often happens, and we usually see a reversal after we provide additional documentation.

    If you do not receive a letter from the school about accommodations permissions, please contact your child's counselor in Student Support Services (S3).

Last Modified on February 8, 2023