For questions about the school board or if you have trouble viewing any of the PDF documents such as board agendas, minutes and policies please contact District Clerk Amber Lanigan at (518) 869-3576, ext. 0442
- 0000 Educational Philosophy
- 0100 Equal Opportunity & Non-Discrimination
- 0101 Gender Neutral Single-Occupancy Bathrooms
- 0110 Sexual Harassment
- 0110.1 Sexual Harassment of Students
- 0110.2 Sexual Harassment of Employees
- 0115 Student Harassment and Bullying Prevention and Intervention
- 0150 HIV-AIDS
- 0300 Accountability
Community Relations
- 1050 Annual District Election and Budget Vote
- 1000 Community Relations Goals
- 1120 School District Records
- 1130 News Media Relations
- 1151 Advertising in Schools
- 1230 Public Participation at Board Meetings
- 1400 Public Complaints
- 1420 Complaints About Curricula or Instructional Materials
- 1500 Public Use of School Facilities
- 1530 Smoking, Vaping and other Tobacco Use on School Premises
- 1741 Home-Schooled Students
- 1800 Donations, Gifts, and Grants to the District
- 1900 Parent and Family Engagement Title I
- 1925 Interpreters for Hearing Impaired Parents
School Board Operations
- 2000 Operational Goals
- 2100 School Board Legal Status
- 2110 School Board Powers & Duties
- 2111 Board Member Authority
- 2120 School Board Elections
- 2120.1 Board Candidates and Campaigning
- 2120.1 Voting Procedures
- 2121 Board Member Qualifications
- 2150 Unexpired Term Fulfillment
- 2160 School District Officer & Employee Code of Ethics
- 2210 Board Organizational Meeting
- 2220 Board Officers
- 2230 Appointed Board Officials
- 2250 Board Committees
- 2260 Advisory Committees to Board
- 2270 School Attorney
- 2310 Regular Meetings
- 2320 Special Meetings
- 2325 Videoconference at Board Meetings
- 2330 Executive Sessions
- 2332 Use of Voting Machines
- 2340 Notice of Board Meetings
- 2342 Agenda Preparation & Dissemination
- 2350 Board Meeting Procedures
- 2352 Rules of Order
- 2360 Board Meeting Minutes
- 2410 Development, Adoption, Amendment & Abolishment of Policies
- 2410-R Police Review Procedures
- 2430 Suspension of Policies
- 2440 Administration in Policy Absence
- 2450 Policy Dissemination
- 2460 Policy Review and Evaluation
- 2510 New Board Member Orientation
- 2510-R-1 New Board Member Orientation & Training Regulation
- 2510-R-2 Interested Candidates for Board of Education Seats
- 2520 Board Member Training
- 2521 School Board Conferences, Conventions, Workshops
Administration Goals
- 3000 Administration Goals
- 3100 Superintendent of Schools
- 3120 Duties of the Superintendent
- 3130 Superintendent’s Contract
- 4010 Equivalence in Instructional Staff & Materials
- 4012 Instructional Materials in Alternative Formats for Students with Disabilities
- 4100 Organization of Instruction
- 4110 School Calendar – 2023-24
- 4112 Teacher and Pupil Day
- 4200 Curriculum Development
- 4310 Basic Instructional Program
- 4311 Citizenship Education
- 4311.1 Display of the Flag
- 4313 Teaching About Religion
- 4315 Health Education
- 4315.1 AIDS Instruction
- 4316 Physical Education
- 4317 Tobacco-Free Schools
- 4320.2 Music Program
- 4321 Programs for Students with Disabilities
- 4321.1 Allocation of Space for Special Education Programs & Services
- 4321.2 Pre-School Special Education
- 4321.3 Independent Educational Evaluations
- 4321.4 Procedures for Adoption & Selection of Impartial Hearing Officers
- 4321.5 Dissemination of a Student’s Individualized Education Program
- 4322 Programs for Talented & Gifted Students
- 4325 Academic Intervention Services
- 4326 Services for Pupils with Limited English Proficiency
- 4327 Homebound Instruction
- 4328 Alternative Learning Programs
- 4329 Response to Intervention Process
- 4330 Home Schooling
- 4331 Service Animals
- 4332 Travel Study
- 4340 Continuing Education Programs
- 4343 Education of Homeless Students
- 4350 Multicultural Education
- 4410 Grouping for Instruction
- 4430 Student Schedules and Course Loads
- 4510 Instructional Materials
- 4511 Textbook Selection & Adoption
- 4513 Library Materials Selection
- 4520 Parent Bill of Rights for Data Privacy & Security
- 4526 Technology Use Policy
- 4526.1 Instructional Technology – General Use
- 4526.2 Technology Use for Staff
- 4526.3 Student Access to District Computer System Resources
- 4526.4 Technology Use for Students
- 4526.5 Internet Safety
- 4626.6 Employee Use of Social Media
- 4527 Cyber-Bullying
- 4528 Information Systems Disaster Recovery Plan
- 4531 Field Trips and Excursions
- 4531.1 Extended Foreign Study Program Trips
- 4532 School Volunteers
- 4710 Grading System
- 4712 Student Progress Reports to Parents
- 4714 Parent Conferences
- 4720 Testing Programs
- 4730 Homework
- 4750 Promotion and Retention of Students
- 4751 Acceleration
- 4770 Graduation Requirements
- 4770-R Graduation Requirements Regulations
- 4771 Early Graduation
- 4772 Graduation Ceremony
- 4773 Diploma and Credential Options for Students with Disabilities
- 4774 Student Grading
- 4810 Teaching About Controversial Issues
- 4815 Treatment of Vertebrate Animals
- 4821 School Ceremonies and Observances
Student Policies
- 5000 Student Policies Goals
- 5010 Dignity for all Students Act
- 5020 Equal Educational Opportunities
- 5020.1 Sexual Harassment of Students
- 5020.2 Gender Based Equity
- 5020.3 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- 5020.4 Hazing
- 5020.5 Harassment of Students
- 5030 Student Complaints
- 5040 Constitutionally Protected Prayer in the Public Schools
- 5100 Student Attendance
- 5120 School Census
- 5130 Compulsory Attendance Age
- 5140 Entrance Age
- 5150 School Admissions
- 5151 Homeless Children
- 5152-Admission-of-Non-Resident-Students
- 5152.1 Admission of Foreign Students
- 5160 Comprehensive Attendance
- 5162 Student Dismissal Precautions
- 5182 Release Time for Religious Instruction
- 5183 Instruction on Day of Religious Observation
- 5191 Students with HIV-Related Illness
- 5205 Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities
- 5210 Student Organizations-Co-Curricular Clubs
- 5220 School Sponsored Student Expression
- 5220.1 Distribution of Literature or Information
- 5225 Student Personal Expression
- 5251 Student Fundraising Activities
- 5252 Student Activities Funds Management
- 5280 Interscholastic Athletics
- 5282 Interscholastic Athletic Guide
- 5300 Student Code of Conduct
- 5300.1 Student Code of Conduct – Plain Language Summary
- 5310 Cell Phones & Electronic Devices
- 5310.1 Bring Your Own Device
- 5311 Student Bill of Rights and Responsibilities
- 5311.1 Student Discipline
- 5311.3 Student Complaints and Grievances
- 5311.4 Care of School Property by Students
- 5312 Prohibited Conduct
- 5312.1 Comprehensive Policy Concerning Alcohol and Other Drugs
- 5312.2 Firearms on School Grounds
- 5312.3 Student Smoking or Use of Electronic Smoking Devices
- 5313 Penalties
- 5313.1 Detention
- 5313.2 In-School Suspension
- 5313.3 Student Suspension
- 5313.4 Use of Time Out Rooms (abolished on Sept. 12, 2017)
- 5314.1 Prohibition of Use of Aversive Interventions
- 5314.2 Emergency Interventions and Use of Restraints
- 5315 Assessment of Student Behaviors
- 5320 Student Conduct on School Buses
- 5330 Searches and Interrogations
- 5400 Student Welfare
- 5405 Comprehensive Health & Wellness
- 5410 Concussion Management
- 5413 Corporal Punishment-Emergency Intervention
- 5420 Student Health Services
- 5421 Immunizations
- 5422 Management & Treatment of Anaphylaxis
- 5425 Opioid Overdose Prevention Program
- 5431 Suicide Prevention & Risk Assessment
- 5450 Student Safety
- 5450.1 Notification of Release of Sex Offenders by Division of Parole
- 5454 Student Automobile Use
- 5460 Suspected Child Abuse & Maltreatment
- 5470 Survey & Research Projects Among Students
- 5500 Student Records
- 5605 Student Voter Registration & Pre- Registration
- 5660 Student Gifts and Solicitations
- 5710 School Safety and the Educational Climate Data Collection
- 5800 Student Awards and Scholarships
Fiscal Management
- 6000 Fiscal Management Goals
- 6100 Annual Budget
- 6110 Budget Planning
- 6111 Budget Deadlines and Schedules
- 6112 Determination of Budget Priorities
- 6113 Dissemination of Budget Recommendations
- 6120 Budget Hearing
- 6130 Budget Adoption
- 6135 Contingency Budget
- 6140 Budget Implementation
- 6150 Budget Transfers
- 6160 Records Management
- 6210 Local Tax Levy
- 6215 Senior Citizen Exemption
- 6230 Federal Funds
- 6231 Chapter I / PSEN Programs and Services
- 6235 Medicaid Compliance Program
- 6240 Investments
- 6250 Miscellaneous Cash Receipts
- 6252 Gate Receipts and Admissions
- 6254 Non-Resident Tuition
- 6255 Donated Equipment, Gifts & Private Grants
- 6400 Depositories of Funds
- 6405 Electronic Banking
- 6410 – Authorized Signatures
- 6500 Bonded Employees and Officers
- 6540 Defense and Indemnification of Board Members and Employees
- 6600 Audit Committee Charter
- 6620 Fund Balance and Reserves
- 6630 Financial Reports and Statements
- 6640 Fixed Assets Inventory
- 6650 Claims Auditor
- 6660 Independent Auditor
- 6670 Petty Cash / Petty Cash Accounts
- 6700 Purchasing-Bidding Requirements & Procedures
- 6710 Purchasing Authority
- 6730 Cooperative Purchasing
- 6740 Purchasing Procedures
- 6750 Apparel Purchasing
- 6800 Payroll Procedures
- 6820 Salary Deductions
- 6830 Expense Reimbursement
- 6831 Meals and Refreshments
- 6840 Mobile Communications
- 6841 Use of District Credit Card
- 6900 Disposal of District Property
Facilities Development
- 7000 Facilities Development Goals
- 7100 Facilities Planning
- 7120 Enrollment Projections
- 7200 Financing Facilities Development
- 7310 Educational Specifications
- 7320 Selection of Architect or Engineer
- 7331 Plans, Specifications and Cost Estimates
- 7350 Site Acquisition
- 7360 Construction Contracts: Bidding and Awards
- 7500 Naming Facilities
- 7700 Facilities Renovations
- 7810 Closing of Facilities
Support Services
- 8000 Support Services Goals
- 8100 Safety Program
- 8110 Buildings and Grounds Inspection
- 8111 Workplace Safety and Reporting of Hazards
- 8115 Automated External Defibrillators (AED)
- 8120 Accident Prevention and Safety Procedures
- 8121 First Aid
- 8122 Accident Reports
- 8123 Hygiene Precautions and Procedures
- 8130 Emergency Plans
- 8132 Fire Drills
- 8133 Bomb Threats
- 8134 Emergency Closings
- 8136 Emergency Notification System
- 8210 Buildings and Grounds Security
- 8211 Access to Buildings
- 8212 Playground Use
- 8240 Traffic and Parking Controls
- 8410 Student Transportation
- 8410.1 Non-Public/Charter School Transportation
- 8410.2 Transportation to Child Care Location
- 8410.3 Field Trip & Extra-Curricular Transportation
- 8411 Walking Distance to Bus Stop
- 8412 Bus Routing & Planning for Group Stops
- 8413 Child Safety Zones
- 8414 School Bus Safety
- 8414.1 Use of Seat Belts on School Buses
- 8414.2 Video/Digital Cameras on School Buses
- 8414.4 Bus Driver Qualifications & Training
- 8414.5 Alcohol & Drug Testing of Bus Drivers
- 8415 Accident Procedures
- 8416 Severe Weather & Weather Alerts
- 8417 Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) Systems
- 8418 Idling of Buses & Private Vehicles on School Grounds
- 8419 Student Transportation in Private Vehicles
- 8420 School Bus Maintenance
- 8421 Use of District Vehicles
- 8422 Use of Private Vehicles for School Business
- 8423 Transportation Contracts
- 8424 Ridership Audits
- 8425 Bus Stop Review Committee
- 8500 Food Service Management
- 8505 and 8505R Food Service Meal Charge
- 8520 Free and Reduced Price Food Service
- 8633 Records Management
- 8635 Information Security Breach and Notification
- 8650 School District Compliance with Copyright Law
- 8700 Insurance
- 8800 Energy Management Conservation
- 8800.1 Job Description: Energy Manager
Personnel Policies
- 9000 Personnel Policies Goals
- 9005 Conditional & Emergency Conditional Appointments of School District Personnel
- 9010 Equal Employment Opportunity
- 9010.1 Harassment of Employees
- 9010.2 Sexual Harassment
- 9010.3 Americans with Disabilities Act
- 9020 Board / Staff Communications
- 9100 Code of Ethics
- 9110.1 Affirmative Action
- 9120 Staff Conduct
- 9120.1 Conflict of Interest
- 9125 Drug-Free Workplace
- 9125.1 Staff Substance Abuse
- 9125.2 Employee Assistance Program
- 9130 Staff / Student Relations
- 9131 Employee-Student Non-Fraternization
- 9200Teaching-Staff
- 9201 In-Service-Courses
- 9210 Certified Staff: Substitute Teachers
- 9211 Employee Qualifications
- 9211.1 Job Description: High School Department Chairperson
- 9211.2 Job Description: Library Coordinator
- 9211.3 Job Description: School Physician
- 9211.4 Incidental Teaching
- 9211.5 Job Description: Subject Coordinator
- 9230 Certificated Staff Recruiting & Selection
- 9240 Physical Examinations for Employees
- 9250 Tenure
- 9253.1 Staff Reductions
- 9261 Duties of Chaperones
- 9280 Staff Development
- 9290 Supplemental Compensation Rates
- 9291 Supplemental Compensation Rates Non-District
- 9300 Support Staff
- 9310 Support Staff Positions
- 9313 Support Staff-Substitute & Occasional Employment
- 9320 Support Staff Employees: Method of Payment
- 9321 Certificated Staff: Payroll Deduction Procedures & Pay Periods
- 9330 Support Staff Recruiting and Hiring
- 9351 Civil Service Classifications
- 9390 Children in School with Parents
- 9411 Board Negotiating Agents
- 9520.2 Family & Medical Leave Act
- 9520.3 Military Leave
- 9530 Smoking or Use of Tobacco Products in School Facilities, Buildings, Vehicles
- 9540 Employees with HIV Related Illness
- 9550 Termination Agreements
- 9560 Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act Compliance (HIPAA)