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As recipients of two separate Oregon Department of Education (ODE) competitive grants, Eugene School District 4J and its partner, the Center for Advanced Technology in Education (CATE) at the University of Oregon, created eight model Technology-Rich Classrooms in two schools that had high needs related to low achievement and high poverty. The grants focused on the English Language Arts (ELA) content areas, studying the impact technology-rich environments had on reading and writing across the curriculum.

Students in four 3-5 classrooms at Adams and Cesar Chavez Elementary schools were given access to a variety of 21st century technology equipment and multimedia learning centers throughout the year including wireless laptops, podcasting, digital images, and Proscopes. This 21st Century environment offered students opportunities for multiple means of representation, expression, and engagement.

A unique feature of the project was the addition of iPod Touches in year 2, providing students ubiquitous access to technology.  This portable media device provided an excellent opportunity to engage students with different learning styles and provided ‘anytime-anywhere’ access to curricular content.

The 21st century teaching station, an essential component of the project, featured a laptop computer, wireless slate, projector, document camera, and SMARTBoard. Each of the eight teachers was given immediate access to online resources and the ability to present information in engaging formats.  Additional tools such as student response systems “clickers” and video cameras allowed both teachers and students to share information and engage in learning in a more active and tactile fashion.