Home » Instructional Services » Math Curriculum » Parents – Kindergarten Math » Kindergarten Unit 2 – Counting and Comparing

Kindergarten Unit 2 – Counting and Comparing

Unit Overview

Content Focus –

This unit develops ideas about counting and quantity, linear measurement, and the operations of addition and subtraction.  As students work on counting routines and sequences, they develop an understanding of the important relationships between numbers.  They begin to explore the idea of equivalence as well as representing quantities in various ways.

Looking Back…

This unit builds upon the work that began in the previous unit.  Students have practiced counting strategies during math time as well as other times during the day such as calendar.  Students will revisit the Counting Jar with more of a mathematical focus.

Looking Forward…

Every unit in Kindergarten will build upon the work done during this unit  They will work to order quantities and find the total after a small amount is added to or taken away from a quantity.  Students will continue to make sense of the operations of addition and subtraction.




computer pic 2

Number Puzzles 1-10

Roll and Cover

Race to Trace 2-12

Roll and Fill

Ten Frame

Kids Count Games

What is Long?

Is it Longer?

Is it Shorter?

Additional Resources

dice pic

Mathematical Problem Solving in the Early Years (article and resources)

Let’s Count!  Learning Numbers in Multiple Ways (Video)