Home » Instructional Services » Math Curriculum » Parents – 3rd Grade Math » 3rd Grade Unit 2 – Data

3rd Grade Unit 2 – Data

Unit Overview

Content Focus –

This unit develops ideas about collecting, representing, describing, and interpreting data.  Students will design and carry out a data investigation

Looking Back…

In 2nd grade, students used simple surveys to become familiar with categorical data.  They often focused on the number of pieces of data at each value, and didn’t do much comparison.

Looking Forward…

In grades 4 and 5, students will deepen their understanding of seeing data sets as a whole and use descriptions to compare groups.  They will use this understanding to explore probability.




computer pic 2

Jake’s Survey

Bugs in the System

Bar Chart

Create a Graph

Bar Graph Generator

Additional Resources

dice pic

Scaled Pictures and Bar Graphs (video series)

Answering Questions Using Information in Graphs (video series)